


I understand… Thank you for the info.” He nodded to accept the cover story, walking over to call for the elevator to take them to the floor that Charlie’s office was located on.


I try my best to respect personal privacy, only stepping in when things go out of control and/or my allies’ lives are put in direct danger… Being caught in the crossfire isn’t good, but sometimes it happens without warning.


“Yeah yeah, you’re welcome cop.” The imp nonchalantly responds back. God he took the bait. He was really that blunt wasn’t he? Good, good.

Note: never have sex with him. Would be majorly vanilla.

“So you had experienced what had happened to those guys? Huh, would of figured being once a cop and all that. The only time I’ve dealt with the police was at a strip club. When they were performing on stage.”


Mr Blitzo (The ‘O’ is silent) of the I.M.P: Immediate Murder Professionals… He’s the CEO and founder of the upstart assassination business in Imp City… Rest assured, his business only aims towards those who deserve damnation in Hell.” The hotel guard was quick to add that last part in towards Hardy, just in case he was prepared to ask about it.


But Miss Charlie is correct, not many admit they want to go to Heaven, most because of the responses they’ll be given if they admit it upfront.” And that usually involves ridicule and antagonism.


“Glad you are expanding yoru business elsewhere to help other demons out. Impressive.” Hardy spoke acceptive to Charlie’s planning in redemption so far. Sounded a bit full-proof. Well, besides others no liking the idea.

It was a given with anything new. Whether you’re dead or alive.


“I’m glad you find this great so far Mr. Hardy!” Charlie spoke happy that someone likes her plan to make Hell a better place. As strange as that sentence may be. “I sure do hope you can be one of the firsts to go to heaven! You seem such a good person, before you’ve died.”


… Come on, have a seat… Are you hungry and/or thirsty? We can get you some water and snacks from the hotel’s kitchen, it’s normal food, nothing strange or off about it.” Don’s main priority was helping Hunter settle into the hotel, letting Charlie take the lead from here since she was his boss.


Miss Charlie, we should let Miss Vaggie know about this, make sure she can help keep Angel Dust and ‘you-know-who’ away from him when needed.


The boy takes a seat as he sighs, he can finally relax without running off away from any danger. A place to stay with good people or demons, whatever… They were here to help him.

“I… I could use something to eat. I hadn’t eaten in a while.” he spoke before placing a hand on his stomach. He could feel it gurgling and aching before the boy shudders.


“Will do!” Charlie understood what Don meant before leaving to find her beloved partner to take care of the two trouble makers of the hotel. They could be a handful and scare poor Hunter away.


Grew up listening to Johnny Cash as well, I listen to him in-between my interest in rock/metal/alternative music.” The hotel guard kept his shield upfront, but decided to have some conversation with Striker to help ease him from Alastor’s presence for now, almost done in his frisking.


I don’t ask about the past of others, personal privacy… But I’m sorry you had to go through that… Alright, I’m done… Let’s get you to Princess Morningstar’s office, sir.


“Not bad tastes, that’s all I gotta say back to ya.” Striker comments back before he felt the frisking was done.

Once it was over, he slowly pulls himself off from the chair. Tugging himself out of Alastor’s grip. He was a tad rough holding him, causing the bullsnake imp to rub one of his shoulders.

“Lead the way, sir…”


You’re welcome… But… There’s something you need to know about the boy… His name is Hunter Clawthorne, but where he came from… Magic exists in his world… And there is a figure in his living world whose power might rival your father and the Divine One’s… They’re know as the ‘Collector’.” Don nodded to his boss, reaching over to pat Charlie’s shoulder while motioning for all of them to move this conversation inside the hotel.


Mr Clawthone, this is the Daughter of King Lucifer, the Princess of Hell herself, Charlie Morningstar… My boss and a good close ally of mine.


That didn’t sound good, this Collector sounded like a real danger. If they were that powerful, they could hop dimensions. End up here and ruin everything, in whatever matter they could.

That was a terrifying thought to think about.

She follows Don with him, heading back into the Hotel with him and Hunter as well.


“I guess you didn’t see me bowing before her huh?” Hunter chuckles amused before he follows along with them. “Just call me Hunter… If you don’t mind, Charlie.”


“I don’t mind, it’s nice to meet you too Hunter.” Charlie remarks back to him. She wanted to make him feel welcomed. She and Don could discuss this Collector being in private. The kid needed comfort and a place to stay.

That’s why he was here at the hotel after all.


He will not consume you in the hotel, but outside the hotel’s grounds? Rule goes out the door.” Don followed up while pulling out Striker’s weapons in his frisking, one hand going up to carefully grab his hat to lift it up for any hidden weapons.


Apologies, just needed to check real quick.” He would place the hat back onto Striker’s head with careful hands. “I’ll be honest, this is my first time seeing a cowboy, I only see those in works of fiction, my living world rarely has cowboys wandering the streets of my home city.


He did flinch slightly once his hat was moved off his head, an old habit that his Ma did before the damage came soon following after. 

But it was masked all by a smooth criminal smile. Lucky the hat was placed back.

“We had some sinners sneak to the Wrath ring to build the whole wild west aesthetic. Billy the Kid and Johnny Cash were big inspirations. Kind of grew up hearing Cash’s music. Made me dress how I am.” he explains how Wrath gotten it’s old west motif it so famous for.

“Pops made sure I’d look the part before well… Let’s say I don’t see him much thanks to a certain miss.”


We’re getting close, we don’t have to hear them anymore, young one.” Don could see the hotel from where he was walking with the boy, the ill-speaking sinners now just being nonsensical mumblings in his ears, but kept a hand on the knuckle duster handle of his trench knife as a physical warning to them.

My allies… They are unique individuals with their own quirks and personalities, they can be at each other throats at certain times… But… We all work together to keep our workplace running.

Once they were off the streets and on the pathway to the entrance of the hotel, Don paused halfway down the path so he could glance down at Hunter.


You may open your eyes, Mr Clawthorne… We’re here… Welcome… To the Hazbin Hotel.


Slowly the boy’s head lifts up as his magenta eyes stared amazed at the intricate hotel. So much chaos but order it had, but kept a central color scheme of deep hues of red and yellows.

He was at a lost for words.

It felt like a nice place to go, a possible new home for him. Hopefully Don’s eccentric associates could care as much as he did for him.

“It’s… It feels safe…” he states as he loosens his grip. Hunter was slightly hypnotized by the structure so much so he allows his hand to reach out towards it. Before he jumps to hear a voice calling out to him.



“SORRY! I didn’t mean to scare you!!” A blonde miss rushes over and stops a few feet in front of Hunter.

“You must be the new sinner! I heard that a child came down here. We don’t get those at all here in Hell! I had to rush to find if it was true.”

She sighs and places her hand on her chest before calming down.

“I’m Charlie. I run this Hotel, Princess of Hell and all that…” she introduces herself.


The young once guard gotten down onto one knee and bows his head. 

“My apologies! I didn’t mean to cause such alarm. I-I’m not use to this place. Rather new here.” he explains himself before getting up and chuckling nervously.

“Sorry myself! Force of habit. Sheltered life still comes out every so often…” Hunter apologies again.


“Golly! Aren’t we going to get along just fine! You and I both.” Charlie chuckles back before seeing Don was the one who brought the boy over. She walks over and sighs content.

“Thank you for finding him. This is a first for Hell to have a minor sinned here in Hell. Who knows what would of happened. What Overlords or others would of done…” She responds back to her bodyguard. “I can’t thank you enough for bringing him here…”


Good.” He motioned for Alastor to keep a hold on Striker as he prepared to untie the imp from his bonds, walking over to frisk him of his weaponry, putting away his Hellphone after sending the text to Charlie and Vaggie.


Both the Radio Demon and I hail from the South in our respective past alive lives, so that hospitality better be genuine or you will be terminated.


“Such a mouth on this one… Kind of cute.” Alastor tries to make some small talk, still insulting the imp. Holding down on the Imp’s shoulders to keep him from moving or to struggle.

“Indeed, and I am craving some southern cooking tonight…” he playfully threatens.


Striker kept his cool as that threat was making his own stomach churn. Yeah, he knows why this demon was down here in the first place. Yikes, he heard other cannibals were more subtle than this guy.

“Got the message… Clearly…” He tries not to gag.


Don walked over to rest a hand on Blitz’s shoulder, still keeping his eyes on Alastor.


You matter, no matter what happens… What you’re doing… To punish the right people to ensure the potential redemption of others… Remember my rule: You do what you can to survive, and then you get to live… You got a lot to live for, even if you don’t think so… Those who say otherwise… They will pay in ‘wrathful’ justice… Miss Charlie, permission to contact Miss Vaggie for additional support?


“Of course. I’m going to walk with Blitz to my office. So he can stay safe there.” Charlie remarks before taking the imp’s shoulder, pats it and gestures to follow her.

“Vaggie should be on the upper levels, she likes to look out on the ship.”


Well, to be honest… She has a protector in the form of her goat servants and her close female companion… I’m just protecting the hotel and those that reside in it, but I do assist in protecting her when needed.” Don trusted Vaggie, both of them were protecting Charlie and the hotel, after all.


… I know… But… I got a secondary mission to complete first before I can pursue the good path… It’s related to how I died… And I won’t disclose that to you, trust issues related to said death.


“Well, you take compliments better than I do.” Strange jokes back to Don. Though, he didn’t believe he was good at giving them himself. At least he puts some effort in. He wasn’t your friendly neighborhood multiverse hopping wizard.

That… That sounded a lot better in his head.

“You’re mission, I get that… I won’t pry it out of you.” Strange assures the guard before they get to the office of the allege Princess of Hell.


Good… Then with that in mind… You will be brought to the office of my boss and the Radio Demon’s business associate… Princess Charlie Morningstar… You will be disarmed to ensure not only her safety, but also everyone that resides in the hotel.” Ignoring Alastor’s mockery (And to avoid exposing the truth to Striker), Don pulled out his Hellphone to text Charlie and Vaggie of this matter, keeping his eyes on the two demons in front of him.


She will decide your fate… And one more thing: My ally right next to you? He’s an infamous overlord… There’s a reason why one must beware of the Radio Demon.


“Oh I know… All of us imps know of our overlords and leaders. Kind of crammed into our heads as youngin’s.” Striker states as he puts back his confident grin. So no knife and no pistol on his side to protect himself.

Well, best to follow those rules through and through. He still needed to be here for a call back from his employer. That was a name he wasn’t going to be giving away any time soon. Not even to the Princess herself.

Or else he was a dead man.

“I’ll give my best Southern Wrath hospitality for y’all…”


I will protect you… You will be safe under where we’re heading, Mr Clawthorne.” Don’s stoic eyes hardened as he spoke sternly, giving the fellow sinners speaking ill of the boy a stoic death glare in warning… He wasn’t that kind of person, it disgusted him and went against his own morality.

The hotel guard wanted to rest a hand on Hunter’s head in comforting, but decided not to in worry that it might frighten him more.


I will shut down those who wish you ill matters… Those who endanger and threaten the young shall pay in ‘wrathful’ justice.” This boy’s been through a lot… He only hoped that he and his allies at the hotel could give him the comfort and safety he deserves after all that.


Hunter wasn’t use to any sort of physical touch. Specially the good kind like head rubs or even hugs. He’d never gotten that from Phillip.

It mostly was pain, since he was just another clone. That can be easily be disposed and another could be taken in his place. Like a child replacing a broken toy with a new identical one.

He hoped where he was going, he wouldn’t get called out more. Those, those monsters didn’t deserve to be living here… But, they had to go somewhere. 

Hunter wished they would burn into ash personally for himself.

His face stays buried in his folded arm as Don told the demons to piss off. He heard their displeased scoffing before it decrescendos.


You’re welcome, Charlie.” The hotel guard responded, ignoring Blitz’s adult joke as he checked him for any injuries.


I don’t understand why Alastor was holding you captive… What is it that got the Radio Demon’s attention to do so?” After checking, Don motioned for Blitz to stay near Charlie, not done in confronting Alastor of his actions.


Then the pain came back in, Blitzo thought it would go away once he was out of here. He didn’t expect Don to ask him why Alastor kept him away from him and Charlie.

Tiredness and sadness showed in his yellow eyes.

“He saw how close I was getting with you and Charlie… He didn’t like it. Telling me that you’re only keeping me to entertain you guys. That an imp like me, wasn’t worth being here. To help with such a pathetic cause when I just bring more down here than the opposite of what you guys are doing…” he replies before moving over towards to the Princess.


“You know that’s not true!” Charlie spoke up and holds Blitz’s shoulder.

“Blitz. I understand it’s yoru job to hunt the ones that wrong the sinners down here… That’s still a good thing in my eyes. Putting the right people in their place, so the others can come here to be redeemed.”

She kneels down and hugs him.

“You matter.”


The imp felt sort of… Touched was the word? Yeah, that… Of what Charlie said. That what he did, what he was shamed by everyone else for… Mattered?

Even himself?

Blitz felt speechless and allowed the hug to happen. He didn’t care for Alastor’s reaction. He was being taken care of by Don.

A few tears came into his eyes.



… Then follow me… My workplace is a hotel she created and founded to help rehabilitate sinners of their vices in the hopes of one day, they can be redeemed into Heaven… The Hazbin Hotel.

Seems Strange was an interesting mortal… What he’s seen was slowly earning respect from the ‘human’ sinner.


… Don’t worry, the Princess… She’s the kindest demon I’ve ever met in this place of evil and sin… But don’t underestimate her, she will fight when push comes to shove… I once lost hope when I died, but she helped to reignite the spark of hope of redemption that I lost.


“Good sounding kid…” Strange states as he follows Don to this hotel that was here in Hell. “With a good guard to protecting her…”

A nice compliment to add as well. He had protected so far, two kids to make sure they were safe and learn a lesson. The magician babysitter he calls himself sometimes. Though, he didn’t have to add a ‘Princess of Hell’ to his list of kids he has to protect.

Don gotten that before his arrival.

“I’m sure she will grant you that. From what I’ve seen, you’re on a good path so far.”


… He had a good reason to stop you… The death of Prince Stolas would only paint a target on your back… And I don’t take lightly to those who are allies to Mr Blitz, including his source to the living worlds… I won’t let his daughter become fatherless, no matter what.” Don’s stoic gaze hardened into a cold one as he spoke coldly to Striker, almost tempted to let Alastor rip into him for ‘wrathful’ justice.


Ever after what he’s done to cause trouble… Mr Blitz is still my ally, someone I will protect to ensure his survival in Hell.



“Got that… Didn’t need that threat deer boy.” Striker masks his terror the best he could. He had gotten use to it from the years of doing with, with someone else.

“Look, I was doin’ a job. I didn’t know that the Prince had a daughter. My employer didn’t tell me that when I was given my orders.” He adds his side of the story of why he did it. “I don’t make anyone parentless. Especially if the kid is left with a ma. I won’t be doin’ that again…”



“Sounds like someone has some mommy issues…” Alastor mocks back. Though he was one to talk.

He had the opposite and the reason why he was hiding out here in the first place. Though he didn’t want to give that away. Only TWO BEINGS know of his truth. Don and Charlie. That was it.


Don didn’t mind Hunter taking hold of a side of his suit jacket, only keeping the young mortal close to him in a protective manner while escorting him to the hotel.


… I’m sorry for your loss… And having to witness that.” To move the moon without any problems… Sounds like both King Lucifer and the Divine One in Heaven will have to keep tabs on this Collector… Their power… Could it rival both Hell and Heaven’s most powerful figures?

… Keep alert, Mr Clawthorne, what you see in Hell is nearly unavoidable, it is lawless, and every sin you can think of… It’s committed here without hesitations.” Don was still a matured gentleman, prepared to shield Hunter’s eyes and ears from the uncouthness of Hell as he ventured out through the streets of Pentagram City.


Great more unwanted trauma to come into his life, once a sheltered solider was now experience true horror. He was only sixteen. What else did that once manipulative, abusive man do to him when making him. What other lies has he flooded Hunter’s mind with?

Sickness, just sickness was all that was running through the young teen’s mind.

His hold tightens more on Don’s suit, eyes shut. He felt his head and upper body press against the bodyguard’s side once he heard some demons commenting about him.

It was disgusting, but that’s why they were here… And hope that this Don, won’t give them that second chance of redemption.

Only slight whimpers were his response, he… He was scared. Legit scared.


… Target found, Charlie.” Don just happened to be near where Blitz was being contained in, moving to unlock and open the container.


To quote Our King, Lucifer Morningstar to his daughter: ‘You don’t take s-it from other demons’… That also includes you, Alastor… Charlie is much more powerful than all of us in this tower… When the day comes that she shows that power, I will stand beside her and be what this hotel needs in security… Her dream is my mission to help make into a forever reality.


“Thank you Don.” Charlie states bluntly. Though she didn’t like hearing that soon she would have to be the one to take of such a mantle. She just wanted to help her fellow demons and find redemption.

Her dad couldn’t die, so she didn’t have to become powerful and become a queen. Her mom could take that role…

But she didn’t want to admit that, not just yet.


Once Blitz was out of that hot box, he huffs and sweat drips down the side of his head.

“God, I am use to encasement… But that, that wasn’t fun…” 

Hoping no one gotten his adult joke. His money was on the deer demon, though it didn’t look like he wanted to talk. Being caught and all that jazz.




“Smile for me!” Alastor said to the guard, wondering if he’d actually do it.  Don was known, at least around the hotel, for his non-smiling face nearly as much as Alastor was for his smiling one. 


… You’re aware the trauma from my past alive life has incapacitated me of displaying any physical emotions, right?” Don would respond in his usual serene tone, although his stoic brown eyes did light up a bit in his own way to ‘smile’ at Alastor.

My apologies, Mr Alastor, but I tell nothing but the truth in my words.

“Hmmm,” the Radio Demon hummed, looking him over.  He could see the small glint in his eyes.

“Well, I suppose that will have to do,” he shrugged. 


“Smile for me!” Alastor said to the guard, wondering if he’d actually do it.  Don was known, at least around the hotel, for his non-smiling face nearly as much as Alastor was for his smiling one. 




” Don had shook the Radio Demon’s hand before, but it was in the past to help bring one of his allies from the living world to Hell… But… Alastor was a deal-maker, Vaggie made it clear that his hand was not to be shaken in any way!


… Don’t make me regret this, Alastor… Like Vaggie once said to you on the day you came to the hotel: I know your game, and I won’t let you hurt anyone here.” Turning on his smoke powers, he decided to see if Alastor’s hand would be affected by it, seizing the Radio Demon’s hand in a tight handshake.

I, Don Everett of the Hazbin Hotel’s security… Accept this deal.

If Alastor was affected by the smoke, he didn’t show it.  His smile sharpened a bit as he shook Don’s hand. 


“Wonderful!” he declared and let go of Don’s hand once the deal was sealed.  “If you wouldn’t mind…” he gestured to the glass container, expecting Don to fill his part of the deal up front.

Of course.” The hotel guard released his hand after shaking it, walking over to the glass container and formed a ball of smoke, placing it in the center of the container.

I don’t know how long I can keep it solid, but I’ll try my best.” He turned back to face Alastor. “So… When do we start the game of hide and seek? And who’s counting?

“Not to worry about that,” Alastor said, placing a lid on the glass container and chanting a small spell, a few runes appearing seeming to seal it in place.  As long as Don didn’t immediately get rid of it he could maintain it with a simple spell. 

“Well, to keep myend of the deal, we certainly shouldn’t do it here,” the deer demon said, opening a drawer and placing the container away again.  “Let’s meet at the location on the outskirts of town we met at before to do your training.  We’re less likely to get interrupted there.” 

“I have work to do now though, so let’s meet this evening.”
