#wtnv fanfic



time travel pros:
- looks cool
- good practice for protecting your weird hometown from things that don’t respect temporal borders
- research goals jackpot
- get a head start on anyone who’s chasing you down to murder you
- can say you arm-wrestled infinity
- eat at your favorite restaurant twice
- clout with other scientists later

time travel cons:
- you might accidentally create a bunch of other timelines that aren’t supposed to exist
- your alternate self has definitely done some things you don’t approve of
- there’s a clock tower now and it’s really loud
- not likely to count as a valid excuse for missing work
- the portals are somebody’s proprietary technology and you probably weren’t supposed to see how they did it. Corporate espionage now a possible complication
- he’s already involved, which means he’s in danger, which means you have to talk to him, which means…
- is it too late to undo it?
- it’s way too late to undo it.

hey everyone it’s here!

It got so big I had to chop it unceremoniously in half, so now it’s in 3 installments instead of 2. The final part will be up soon

(I promise this blog will actually have content again someday)
