#wtsdevo joy

walkthesame:Unexplainable Joy Leads to Cheerful Giving (#wtsdevo joy) Seven years ago, our family


Unexplainable Joy Leads to Cheerful Giving (#wtsdevo joy)

Seven years ago, our family had the opportunity to visit an orphanage for disabled children in India that our son’s foundation helps support financially.   I’ll never forget the long journey to reach these children.  After a fifteen hour flight from America to New Delhi, we travelled six hours by car and twelve hours by train in order to reach the tiny town in which these children lived.  My visualization of poverty transformed as we made our way to the orphanage.  Women bathing children on broken sidewalks, families of five traveling together on one motorcycle, small children begging for money on every corner………………..

Nothing about my life seemed to be lacking anymore.

I looked out the window of the train as we moved along the bumpy track, and the sea of homes made from all kinds of random material with lines of laundry strung between them moved me to tears.  I thought about the children we would soon be meeting.  I wondered what kinds of conditions they lived in and what it would take to make them happy.  Almost immediately, my mind jumped to thoughts of my suitcase and what I had packed as gifts for the kids at the orphanage………………….


Small, hard candy in plastic wrappers.

This was all we had brought for these little children who needed so much more.

I felt certain my hands would feel empty as I reached out to give such a little gift to children with such great needs.

When we finally reached our destination and made our way to the home where these children lived, I found myself second-guessing the gifts in my bag.  Although we had been told the kids would love little pieces of candy, I was sure we should have brought clothes or books …….. gifts that would last much longer.

As the door to their home opened, a group of young children – some deaf, some blind, some crippled – greeted us excitedly.

My family and I began hugging them, and I found myself completely overwhelmed with the huge smiles on their faces.  These children, with so many reasons to feel unloved and forgotten, were beaming with joy in spite of all the aspects of their lives that could have caused them to weep.

As we handed out our tiny gifts, the children squealed.   I couldn’t imagine them being any happier than they were in that moment.  Our candy, in their hands, seemed like precious gold.

And then the most unbelievable thing happened.  

Children started coming towards us, one by one, trying to give the candy back.

I was confused at first, “Why would they want to give back the very thing they had just received so joyfully?”

Our guide must have realized our entire family was confused as we were trying to push candy into the hands of children who were pushing it back into ours.  He smiled and explained that the children were so happy to see us and this was their way of trying to say “thank you” for our visit to India.  Since they had nothing else to give in return, they were giving the one thing they had…………….candy.  No one was forcing them to give.  No one was asking them to even say, “thank you.”  Their hearts were so full of joy that giving was the natural response.

Tears ran down my face as I realized this is exactly what 2 Cor. 9:7 would look like if it were captured in a photograph.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

These children, who had nothing, were teaching me what it means to give freely and joyfully.

Several years have passed since I stood in that tiny village in India surrounded by children who had every reason to feel sad but instead chose to feel joy, but my heart still feels just as overwhelmed when I think about their faces….their beautiful faces beaming with joy as they tried to give back the one thing they could offer us as a “thank you.”

My face should beam with joy today as I think about all the ways God has blessed my own life.  Because of this joy, I should want to cheerfully give back to Him in every possible way I can in order to say “thank you.”

No matter what you’re facing in life, find reasons to feel joy and turn to God with a beaming face, cheerfully giving back to Him from the blessings He has so freely given you…..even when they seem like tiny pieces of candy wrapped in plastic.  Overwhelm Him with your joy in spite of your circumstances and watch what happens.  “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)


Devotional Series: Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

By: Tammy \ Personal//Walk the Same

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walkthesame:Joy comes when you know who you are in Christ (#wtsdevo joy) I get the most upset, a


Joy comes when you know who you are in Christ (#wtsdevo joy) 

I get the most upset, angry and exhausted when I feel lost, and when things seem  uncertain. When I feel like I can’t unravel my thoughts and emotions, I just end up keeping my emotions and actions on the down-low. However, when I do have an idea as to who I am and what I am doing, then I’m fueled in a positive way. I’m happy and outgoing and just want to do more and more.

In our Christian lives, when we move with no direction, or when our understanding of ourselves and our purpose is vague… We start to feel blue and unhappy. We would feel that way because we are in a position where we have no idea about our calling or what we are meant to do. The joy in our lives dries up, and we are left with nothing but the dry, dusty emotions of anger, sadness and frustration.

As a Christian, it is key for all of us to identify who we are in Christ and to also allow God total control over all aspects of our lives. Give Him control of our plans, our present and our future. Usually when we are lost and feeling misguided, we are compelled to take things into our own hands and do it our way. This typically ends up with us reliant wholly on people and the world in general.

Seeking help from people isn’t a bad thing. We are called to place ourselves within community and interaction. But leaving God out of the story of our lives isn’t going to do us a favor. It is important for us to understand that God alone is our steadfast anchor in life. No matter how much the world shakes around us, by trusting and holding onto our faith in God, we are held safe in His hands.  Even when the world seems like its crashing down on us, our joy and strength remains because God remains unshaken. Therefore no matter the road ahead, we can still move on strong and hopeful. Most importantly, our joy remains untainted.

When we know who we are in Christ, we essentially map ourselves clearly in the middle of a chaotic world. And when we identify who we are the way Christ meant us to, we place ourselves in a position where we are filled with His wisdom and guidance when it comes to whom to approach and making the right decisions. Everything becomes crystal clear when we identify ourselves in Christ.

Pure joy is so much needed in this life. We all live today and it is sure to take over our lives when we finally know who we are in Christ. We are all His, and each of us are meant for amazing and joyful things. This promise is something we need to pray on everyday and believe in.


Devotional Series: Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

By: Elle \ Personal // Walk the Same // Color Movement

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walkthesame:The Source of Joy (#wtsdevo joy)Life can get hard. This being a constant occurrence,


The Source of Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

Life can get hard. This being a constant occurrence, it is easy for us to get tied down to the negativity that it brings- fear, anger, hurt and insecurity.

Since we are a people who want and crave things in the “now” we seek out for joy in quick and easy things. However this pursuit of easy “joy” turns and puts us into even more of a struggle, because the joy that we seek from worldly things isn’t joy at all, but simple happiness. Good comes with happiness, but it is fleeting and temporal.

Once we fall into this cycle of chasing unsatisfactory happiness, we fall into the trap of seeking joy from the world rather than the source of all joy. And what do we get? Cheap happiness simply disguised as joy. Although we may not realize it at the time, cheap happiness kills us on the inside day after day.

How different would things be if we went to the source of joy for our joy! The joy that Christ brings isn’t quick, fast and easy but rather it endures and is relentless, just like His Word and truths are eternal.

When we seek out joy from Christ Himself and fill ourselves up with the goodness and love that He has to offer, our struggles, pain and worry all drown under the immense weight of His mercy and love. The negatives in our lives go away and is replaced by pure joy and every other blessing that God brings down upon us.

When things don’t seem to be working and when joy seems to be lacking in your life, seek the source of it all. Let His presence fill you with joy that the world cannot give you. In Him may your joy be complete.


Devotional Series: Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

By: Jude \ Personal//Walk the Same

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walkthesame:Joy is coming. (#wtsdevo joy) “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!”


Joy is coming. (#wtsdevo joy)

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” Psalm 126:5

Around this time of year, a sense of dread will start to crawl up my spine. It’ll work it’s way into my heart and my mind, and I’ll grow restless and discontent. I’m not sure if it’s the cold weather or the lack of sunlight, I just know that this is the time of year satan uses most to try and steal my joy.

I’m aware by now that I can prepare in small ways every year for this, and I try my best. However, it seems like every year, I spend at least a few January nights in tears. I weep over the feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion. My heart aches with longing for glimmers of spring.

I am also aware by now, however, that this is the time of year God uses the most. He gently pulls me back into His warm, loving arms, and once again lights the flame in my heart. By spring, I am renewed in Him- filled with His joy and fire once more.


Father, the deep cold of these winter months can take a toll on a person. I know though, that you are using this time to prepare me, to remind me of who you are, and to once more fill me with your joy. Thank you for your constant presence and love.


Devotional Series: Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

By: Autumn Holbert \ Personal//Walk The Same

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walkthesame:Joy in a Prison Cell (#wtsdevo joy)I was nine years old when my minister preached a


Joy in a Prison Cell (#wtsdevo joy)

I was nine years old when my minister preached a sermon on Philippians. I remember vividly his description of Paul’s conditions in prison as he wrote this book- a cold, damp cell.  Isolation from those he loved. An uncertain tomorrow. Paul had every reason to complain and feel anything but joy. Yet in Philippians 4:4 he penned the words, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, Rejoice!” I can almost see my little hand grasping the bright blue ink pen as I carefully underlined those words in my Bible. “Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I say, Rejoice!” I remember thinking, “If Paul can rejoice while he is in prison, surely I can rejoice no matter what I might face in life.”

Many years have passed since I claimed Philippians 4:4 as my life verse. I have now been married thirty years and have four adult children. I also have two children waiting for me in Heaven – a daughter who died of SIDS in 1992 and a son who died of brain cancer in 2008.

When I underlined that verse in my Bible many years ago, I had no idea just how often I would cling to it in times of great sadness. I love the thought that even though I didn’t know what was coming in my life, God did. And I believe He knew I needed this particular verse planted deep in my soul.

Are you facing a tough season right now?

If so, take some time to read Philippians 4 and think about Paul’s ability to praise God in the midst of great uncertainty and suffering. Ask God to help you learn how to rejoice even when very little about life makes sense.

He promises in Psalm 126:5 that if we “sow in tears we will reap songs of joy!” I have seen Him keep this promise in my own life time and time again.

Life is hard. There will be tears.However, God is good. And He promises joy to those who live for Him.

I am praying for you today. Praying you have a day filled with unexplainable joy!


Devotional Series: Joy (#wtsdevo joy)

By: Tammy \ Personal//Walk the Same 

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