#wtsdevo trust

walkthesame:My New Year’s Resolution (#wtsdevo trust) “Commit your way to the Lord;   trust in him


My New Year’s Resolution (#wtsdevo trust)

“Commit your way to the Lord;
  trust in him, and he will act.” Psalm 37:5

Happy New Year!

Personally, 2015 was a whirlwind of a year. I grieved the death of a relative, got married, turned 20, became a vegetarian- the list goes on!  It’s been one of the most chaotic, and incredible years of my life.

It’s also been a year that has tested my faith. Every day, I would have to wake up and make a decision; am I going to trust that God is who He says He is? Am I going to give my entire day, my life, to Him?

Are we friends here? Because I’m going to be honest with you. Sometimes I said no. I would look my choice in the face and say no, God just isn’t big enough to deal with these problems. I’m just too stressed, to exhausted- my heart is just too broken to keep on trusting.

Yet some days, I said yes. Yes Lord, I will trust you. I’m sure you can imagine, but I’ll say it anyway: These days are what made 2015 the best year of my life. On these days, I could just feel the blessing and movement of God in my life.

So here I am, 2016 approaching, and I’m left with one question for myself: Am I going to trust God every day? Am I going to give up my pride and let Him work in my life?

Yes, I am. My New Year’s resolution is one simple thing:

To trust God in all, every day, for the rest of my life.

Friends, let’s hand over what we’ve been holding back, and make this all of our lifetime resolutions.

Father, thank you for bringing me through another year full of your blessings. Thank you for the experiences I’ve had, good and bad, because they have helped make me stronger. God, I want to grow closer to you this year. I want to trust you more, trust you fully- please soften my heart, humble me so that I may always lean on your strength. Please bless this year for everyone. May your will be done in 2016, and forever. Amen.


Devotional Series: Trust (#wtsdevo trust)

By: Autumn \ Personal// Walk the Same

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