#wwdits theory time



All this panic and my babies u gotta remember they never give shit away before a series airs. Nobody, like id put $ on it, though Colin would die and become a baby last season…nobody even guessed that til the end of ep 9.

They aint telling you shit. And sometimes writers etc lie or omit (for ofmd they had to pretend gentlebeard was just friends and u can see their practically in glee hiding it). We know actually quite a bit about this season but not enough that i believe them nothing happens.

Freddie (according to his acting site) is in his one ep. Mawra seems to be a multi ep thing. Ppl im telling u (i will beg for forgiveness if wrong) i really think we’re gonna get nandor realizing he loves Guillermo by the end of the s4 finale. Kiss? Maybe. Maybe not. But we know it ends on a cliffhanger and thatd be a nice setup for s5.

So ur gonna have to wait til it all airs im afraid. I got my prediction post im excited to see what i got right


As I thought, the person that wrote the “wwdits team says that Nandor and Guillermo aren’t getting together anytime soon” just took some incomplete quotes and interpreted them as they wanted. The staff didn’t say anything worth the panic I’m seeing here imo

The complete thing is stating what is obvious about Nandor marrying another person. Obviously Paul Simms can’t just say that they’re gonna get together and spoil the entire season(s).

I don’t think I’m clowning here by not being that worried, so I hope this helps the people dooming around the tag. You are already sentencing a season that isn’t even out…
