#wwe fan fic



Ok, I am trying this to see if it works. If it doesn’t then I may try to find another way to upload it. This is my short story for my English class that I’m taking and I want to know what you guys think. If you can’t access it, leave a comment and tell me. If you can access it, leave a comment with your feedback. Constructive criticism is appreciated!

So this is something I wrote while I was super bored at work. Let me know what you think!

“The Big Reveal”

Breeze and I had been dating a few months, but only people in WWE knew it. We hadn’t gone public with our relationship, but there was a little bit of speculation in the WWE Universe. After a few conversations we thought of a fun way to tell everyone. That’s where Xavier Woods came into the picture.

“Welcome to UpUpDownDown. I am your host, Austin Creed and you all know what day it is! It’s DaParty Day! We got Chugs. We got the big Swissman. We got Tyler Breeze. We also have a newbie with us today. You guys may know her. Please welcome to DaParty for today, Elaina Michaels! We also have a big reveal at the end of the episode, so you wanna watch the whole thing to find out what it is.”

“Thanks guys. I’m looking forward to beating you guys in Uno, like I have beat all of you guys in the ring.” I trash talked.

“Beating us in the ring in the Performance Center doesn’t count.” Cole retorted.

“We go easier on you because you’re a girl anyways.” Swiss joked.

“Listen, the only reason it has been at the PC is because WWE won’t put us in matches on TV because they know I’ll embarrass all of you.” I answered with a shoulder shrug.

“Are we gonna play Uno or what, guys? Come on. Let’s go.” Breeze said with an annoyed tone in his voice.

We started playing the game, and all throughout everyone was dropping hints about what could possibly be revealed on the episode.

“Why does it sound like I can hear Breeze yelling like he’s in the other room?” Creed asked me during one of the plays when I laid down a plus 4 on Breeze.

“I don’t know. We’re nowhere near each other.” I answered.

“Why does your background look like the picture Breeze has hanging in his game room?” That was Swiss.

“It’s a pretty popular and mass produced picture.” I answered.

“Who is your favorite person in DaParty?” Cole asked.

“You know it’s always gonna be you, Cole.” I answered as I met Breeze’s eyes in the camera. Cole chuckled a little bit.

After about an hour of playing Uno, Swiss won, and naturally he chose Breeze to sing the song. While Woods and Cole were deciding what song they were gonna make Breeze sing, I got up out of my chair in his game room and walked out in the living room, making sure to stay just off camera.

“Wait. Where did Elaina go?” Woods asked.

“She’s gonna miss Breeze singing.” Cole answered.

I walked into camera view and sat down on Breeze’s lap. “I hear him sing all the time. It’s nothing new to me.” I answered with a laugh. “Alright guys, what song are we singing?” I asked.

“You guys are gonna sing together?” Cole asked.

“I mean, we are a couple, so we might as well make it a duet. For one night only at least.”

We ended the episode singing Carmella’s F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S theme song and everyone laughing at us, but at least it was a good time.
