#x plus size reader


{ ; /}


now with sapnap he would totally be into you being a streamer

he thinks it’s cool that he has a s/o that understands his job

you two would stream all types of random things, minecraft? yep, random horror game? absolutely

now if you are ok with showing your face than you two would do cooking streams, trying to find the easier recipes on pinterest

height checks? you betcha. fit checks even though you are in your pjs? oh absolutely

random kisses, or hand holding but also cuddling, as long as you are comfortable with it, if not that’s totally fine, he understands!

now if you don’t wanna show your face than you two still stream a lot

he does a cooking stream but the viewers randomly see hands that badly come into frame

is there something he forgets in the recipe? your hand comes into view and is just like “osksidjnc don’t forget this”

you two no matter what always have a good time!


now with punz it’s a little harder since you two both stream around the same time

but you two make it work, with trying to speed run minecraft together or playing valorent

he isn’t one to freak out that your also a streamer, when you told him he just kind said “oh wait really? that’s sick”

when you do appear on his streams it’s either to give him some water or something to snack/eat

it’s rare for you to just sit around him since he does like his space and it gets kinda boring but on the rare occasion you do, you just mess with him most of the time

sometimes you two just sit and chat and also talk with chat, you guys talk about your future life’s and just whatever happened that day or what’s gonna happen the next day


with minx it’s a roller coaster

you had no idea how she would react with you also being a streamer

when you told her she just looked at you and said “that’s cool as shit babe” and continued with the other conversation

you two would stream minecraft or just chill in discord and just talk

you two often get into really heavy topics but you and minx just hold conversations so great that it’s hard not to

constantly flirting (who wouldd of thought)

chat just loved when you two stream together always interesting to say the least


he would ADORE you and want to constantly want to stream together

opening Pokémon cards with him (maybe snapnap) would be a thing

now if you are like and don’t know anything about Pokémon he would teach you all about it

you didn’t get it but it makes him so happy so you just shake your head and smile

like with snapnap fit checks are a MUST because your style?? absolutely legend like wow

if you didn’t like to show yourself in his streams every once and a while you can always see someone open the door and next thing you know food or a monster shows up in his hand

the chat loves you two, never a dull moment with you two!

Authors note:

hi everyone! im back from the dead, is mcyt still a thing? I sure hope so lol, I’ve had this idea in my drafts for a damn while and I finally thought I’d get this out. hope you enjoyed!
