#xander is a little bch


msuwendy​: monday addams ;


                      “M fOr mONdAy, hOw FiTtiNg foR sOmEoNE naMeD WeDnesdAy.“ 

okay, she’ll admit it. she’s not great. not even, you know, kinda sorta okay. in fact, if wednesday had to chose, she would’ve preferred to stick somewhere in the lower-middle category. the not ALL bad but also not good category. because why else would she be out here? mocking the elderly. well, not HER fault. as it seems, the douchier they are, the more childish she gets. xander, especially, has her returning to schoolyard tendencies. 

“you sound like an idiot.” she quickly dismisses the faint sound of kangdae’s nagging in her head. “what are you doing out here troubling yourself with results of my peel?” speaking of, stupid fucking peel, wednesday whips her wand out quickly, incinerating the peel with a flick of her wrist. question asked and answered, there was no need to stare at it. 

            “don’t you have something better to do? or what—don’t tell me!—no friends?

xander’s amusement level rises at wednesday’s first reaction, immediately parroting what he says with a sneer. he does nothing to hide it either as his smirk grows while he simply watches her until she’s done with a glare at him. xander takes immense joy in scaring students whenever he wants to but wednesday. the type of entertainment he gets from her is quite different from his usual choice of company. riling the younger up and watching her patience run out on him never gets old and he finds that he can never resist approaching her just to grateon her nerves.

"sounding like an idiot is very easy to dismiss compared to looking like one.” xander quips as he nods his head to the apple still in her hands. his gaze leaves her for a second as he watches her burn the peel until nothing is left, leaving no trace of the Mthat had just been floating there previously. “i didn’t take you to be as ridiculous as everyone else here to actually believe in soulmates wednesday.”

really, xander could be off doing better things but catching wednesday with an apple and peel in the barrel is putting him in the best mood he’s been in all night. he doesn’t doubt that the girl probably doesn’t even believe in soulmates either, but just to see her actually testing out the rumors has him actually wanting to laugh. judging from her reaction, he knows she’d rather have run into him anywhere else during the night.

when she tries to throw her next insult, xander is all but happy to jump along.

“we both know you have no interests in me having friends or not. but what about you? a little embarrassed to let your own friends see what your peel spelled out?” xander’s lips pull into a smug smile as he cocks his head to the side, staring down at the younger. “or are you more embarrassed about them finding out you even tried?”
