#xeno x reader



Xenophilius Lovegood x reader

Notes: this is my first time writing anything on here so I hope y’all enjoy. Sorry for any grammatical errors. This was inspired by @sevsnapes and her recent Xeno works


“Xeno, I’m home.” You called out, shutting the front door behind you.

Silence greeted you as you walked into the living room searching for your partner. The newest article for the Quibbler was left half finished in the typewriter with Xeno’s notes surrounding it on the coffee table. You frowned slightly when there was still no sight of or response from Xenophilius. Quickly you walked through into the kitchen but found it empty as the living room, so you headed for the spiral stairs to the upper floor.

Once upstairs you noticed the door to yours and Xeno’s bedroom was left ajar, but the room itself was dark as night. Silently you pulled your wand from your sleeve as your heart started pounding. Thoughts of rogue dark wizards seeking revenge on you for your position as an auror plagued your mind. You crept towards the open door, wand held out before you in a white knuckle grip.

Slowly you pushed the door open and nearly dropped your wand in shock. Huddled in the corner of your room, between the wall and bed, was Xenophilius. Head buried between his knees, he rocked back and forth in the fetal position. You quickly scanned the room for any possible threats before crouching down beside him.

“Xeno.” You muttered softly and reached out a hand to place on his shoulder. The moment your fingertips brushed his arm he was scrambling to get away from you. He pushed himself further into the corner away from you, almost like he was trying to hide in the wall itself.

“NO, NO STAY AWAY! Don’t hurt me please.” He screamed while trying to get as far from you as possible.

The pure terror in his voice caused you to shrink away from him before snapping out of it. You placed your wand on the floor beside you and held up both hands, showing him you were unarmed.

“Xeno, love, it’s me. I’m not going to hurt you, I swear.” You whispered so as not to scare him. “You’re safe love, you’re home. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”

Slowly Xeno stopped shaking and lifted his head from between his knees to look at you. His pale eyes were unfocused and filled with tears. You gave him a small smile and carefully lowered your hands. He locked eyes with you and just stared for a moment before a look of recognition washed over him.

“Dove?” Xeno rasped, his throat sore from the violent screaming moments before. His bottom lip started trembling as his eyes focused and he realized what had happened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t. I didn’t realize…” His words trailed off as he choked back a sob. You moved to sit near him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him against you.

He tensed for a moment before pressing his face into your neck and letting out the tears he was holding in. His tears grew to loud sobs and he turned fully to throw his arms around you, pressing his entire body into you. You held him tightly as he cried, running one hand up and down his back while the other cradled the back of his head.

Blinking away your own tears you pressed your lips to the top of his head. You whispered words of comfort in his ear and tightened your grip on him, attempting to keep him grounded. Xeno’s sobs eventually tapered off into occasional sniffles as he clung to you.

“I thought they were back. That they had come to drag me back to that hell.” His words were muffled against your shirt and he pulled back to look at you. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. You moved the hand on his head to press it to his cheek wiping away the tears.

“They’re never going to hurt you again. You’re safe now and never going back there. I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again.” Your words brought a new wave of tears to his eyes and he squeezed them shut. Catching sight of your wand laying on the floor beside you gave you an idea. Pulling your hand away from Xeno’s face you reached out to grab the wand. You quietly muttered the incantation and flicked your wand.

A bright silvery blue light sprung from the point of your wand in a shapeless cloud before solidifying. Xeno opened his eyes as something soft bumped his cheek. Your Patronus pressed its head into Xeno’s shoulder and you could feel him relaxing next to you as he watched the beast. He raised a shaky hand and placed it on the creature’s head, a sense of peace filling him. After a moment the silvery Patronus faded and Xeno turned to you with a smile as you set your wand down.

“A lioness. A protector, like you.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek and reached for your hand. “Thank you for staying with me through this my dove.”

“I love you Xenophilius, and I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again.”
