#xiaochun li

A few doodles I made some time ago for the lovely lovely chapter my dearest @sage-striaton wrote forA few doodles I made some time ago for the lovely lovely chapter my dearest @sage-striaton wrote forA few doodles I made some time ago for the lovely lovely chapter my dearest @sage-striaton wrote for

A few doodles I made some time ago for the lovely lovely chapter my dearest @sage-striaton wrote for me last year! It is so so funny and good, please go read it (and all the other chapters surrounding the Lees and their daughter Itsuki plus friends) over on fanfiction.com! It’s about Teenage Itsuki, auntie Shao and her parents visiting the club from my Jenruki doujinshi years later and reminiscing in old memories ♥ Slapstick guaranteed xD

Thank you again for this A+ entertainment, I laughed so much and can’t wait for the new things you are going to come up with!


Our Instagram account where we share additional content like sketches, WIPs and funny InstaStories: AskOlderTamers

Please do not repost my artwork without permission!

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