

This painting is a devotional image of Xochiquetzal and Xochipilli, the Plumed Blossom and the Prince of Flowers. She is the Teotl of love and the feminine arts, he the Teotl of spring, hallucinogenic plants, the Sun in the morning, venereal disease, and the masculine arts. The whole is an illustration of the concept of duality; the two Teteo are one and the same time brother and sister, husband and wife, and the very same being. In the painting They therefore stand back to back, and yet are joined by a single spinal column, so that the two are revealed as being a single entity; male and female as one. They stand on the twined tree of Tamoanchan, which stands at the center of existence and represents the eternal revolution of the male and female principles of Tonantzin and Totatzin. From Their mouths emerge speech-scrolls marked with the glyph which signifies wisdom.

You can see this painting as a print in my Etsy store!

Iniziamo bene il 2022 bevendo dell'eccitante (erotica) cioccolata calda

Iniziamo bene il 2022 bevendo dell’eccitante (erotica) cioccolata calda

Non c’è composto di erbe afrodisiaco che riesca a battere la cioccolata. Eppure di recente ci hanno provato: Lovers – Your Place for Pleasure ha messo sul mercato delle cioccolate afrodisiache che aiuterebbero l’eccitazione sessuale, Sex Chocolates. Il mix di diciassette erbe contenute nel ripieno dovrebbe fare la magia. Si tratta di ginseng, guaranà, damiana, serenoa, yohimbina, fieno greco,…

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