#ya got me


I knew i was gonna have an issue with the choice of actor for the Genie because I’ve never found Will Smith particularly funny and there are far better comedic actors who could play the part, but i at least hoped they would make him look good as the genie. I like the aesthetic with the more detailed bracers &sash around his waist etc but when u get to the face it looks like Will Smith’s face in a badly made CGI fat suit. But this is a 2 second scene im working with here so who knows, maybe I’ll love it when the film comes out.

But can we talk about Jafar? now i know in the original movie he was thin and camp but the guy was still sinister and menacing as hell. i remember seeing the film for the first time as a very young child & during his version of Prince Ali I got so scared I cried. This guy though? His outfit looks like it doesn’t fit properly like a child playing dress up, his voice is about as sinister as a budgie & facially Aladdin looks more intimidating than him and he’s gorgeous. Again we have barely a second of him on screen but this is our first look at this character and so far im not impressed with him or the Genie.       

What i do love though is the look of the movie. Agrabah looks amazing, like something out of a fantasy yet grounded in realism. Jasmine looks stunning and i hope she’s as feisty as she was in the cartoon, she was the first princess who i think broke the mold of the old Disney princess design: she wasnt looking for her prince charming, she had a dream and actually took action herself to make it happen (going over the wall to see what was outside the palace), recognized the villain before anyone else did and confronted him, took part in fighting back against the bad guy (yes she still needed to be rescued in the end but come on up till that point the princesses had taken a step back to let the princes/men who had 0 character development beat the badguy). 

as i said im not sold on the genie, but im also not sold on Jafar. im still going to see this movie and hopefully ill be surprised but i very much doubt it will beat the original.    


afterglow // part i: the fading

Pairing: Sawamura Daichi x gn!reader

Warnings: descriptions of past violence (the doll scene in mulan)


(A/N): it’s here! this is basically a short prologue scene n such, nothing super important happens but you’ll probably want the context for later >.< part 1 of my haikyuu!xmulan crossover AU! for the @bnhapocutiestake two collab (except like,, two months late). haven’t written in a while so i hope this is…not a complete dumpster fire??

series masterlist||haikyuu masterlist||bnha masterlist||navi

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