#yall can decide on the order tbh


she never thought she’d be spending an evening like this, but days at trc are surprising.

the system feels strange in her hands, but at the very least jei has gotten used to the controls and the buttons.  that’s about all that she’s managed to do with at least some coaching from the other boys, even though she’s not so sure any of them really know what they’re doing with a switch either.  not that it matters; this trip is about bonding, and what better way to bond than to .. play a game with people that you’ve become friends with. 


her lips purse as she looks around the small group gathered around and sitting around on some of the tables outside.  she wouldn’t openly admit it, but perhaps these three boys are the closest friends she’s made in trc since she first signed on.  it’s a little strange to think about, but life is funny that way.  days at trc are surprising that way.  (  but no sooner does she think it does jei completely wave it away  -  it’s far too sentimental for her tastes.  )  “ have you three chosen your characters yet? i’ve been waiting for five minutes.”

˟ ▀  &.@rkxtae  ,  ˟ ▀  &.@rkwoong  ,  ˟ ▀  &.@changminxrk
