#yall would rather have that than me half-assing it


just a small info check in from me

did a bunch of contemplation since my last post. health’s still not the best, work is… well, work, and lately, my inspiration is just… elsewhere. 

it’s funny, remembering i had other interest. and lately i’ve been spending more time with my family and friends (minus the quarantine period) and exploring other mediums that used to interest me before or have started to interest me now. I’ve been ARMY for 5 years now and 4 was spent neck deep in fanfic. Me not being able to write, first because of circumstances, then because of a lack of inspiration/motivation is telling. 

it’s not a dramatic goodbye - it’s not a goodbye at all, in fact. writing is slowly coming back to me, but not for these stories, not for tumblr, not for this account and not even for BTS. I hope it changes soon because I have so much I want to share, but I also thought it was only fair to tell you that i truly and honestly just don’t know. I don’t know when i’ll be able to write, what I’ll write and when I’ll post. I need to be okay first and I am far from it. And I’m not going to hold that against myself. my mistakes are mine alone but some shit I just can’t influence. 

so. see you at some point, sooner rather than later, I hope. take care of yourselves and be healthy
