

I was in my backyard earlier & La Dispute came on shuffle, and I just really appreciated the moment, because ik my neighbors probably don’t want to hear a man shouting “can I still get into heaven if I kill myself” at 8am like I do.

found a new seashell to record in

Me at the ranch by Jaxon Whittington for Editorial Mag

me for Editorial Mag shot by Jaxon Whittington ♔ ❦ ♔ ❦ ♔ ❦ ♔ ❦ ♔ ❦ ♔ ❦

in print interview out now with Editorial Magazine

photos by Jaxon Whittington - interview by Erika Houle

7/6 San Francisco, CA @ Brick & Mortar Music Hall

7/7 Santa Ana, CA @ The Constellation Room

7/9 Tucson, AZ @ Club Congress

7/10 Phoenix, AZ @ Valley Bar

7/13 San Antonio, TX @ Paper Tiger

7/14 Dallas, TX @ Club Dada

7/16 Austin, TX @ Mohawk

with special guests Meth Math, Elusin, Glixen, Basside

Tickets on sale now ☠️



repost for seven years good luck

now live for the cowgirl clue teacup necklaces

[2-3 weeks to ship max]



by Jaxon Whittington


by Jaxon Whittington @jaxonleft ig

you’ve heard of y'allternative. i present to you…

y'allywood undead
