#yandere andrew kreiss


If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Clingy Yandere Andrew with an Oblivious S/O

tw: yandere

  • Better and worse for him
  • He is a worship yandere, he acts as if you’re his god/ goddess. So if you don’t notice how much he would do for you, he’d get frustrated quick
  • “You know s/o, I would do anything for you. Anything.” “Oh, you don’t have to! I’m fine how I am now.”
  • Why can’t you see how much he’d do for you? Why can’t you just use him the way he offers? He won’t ever get over it, but his feelings about the matter die down a little. He’s just glad you actually love him, it’s all he could have ever wanted
  • He will take advantage of this part of you, feeding you lies he made up on your friends to get you to be around him more, regardless of feeling like scum afterwards
  • He has mixed feelings on being clingy with you. He’s a monster, just like everyone said. A selfish, vile, white-haired monster. He is in no way deserving of being even near you, for he may taint your perfection. But if it’s so bad, why does it feel so right? Maybe this is his chance. A chance that God has given him after all the misfortune bestowed upon him
  • He will hold you by your arm like a child would cling to their mother. It normally lasts a few hours if you both are together the whole day, but if you have been apart due to matches or any other things, you might as well glue yourself to him because it won’t feel any different to how clingy he will be