#yandere artificial intelligence


Request:Can I request for Yandere AI creation w/ fem Creator Reader?

           The code flickered on the computer screen, line after line whirring past your eyes. Your fingers typing in what was nearly a blur, you watched helplessly as each line of code you tried to change disappeared as soon as you wrote it. No matter how fast you tried to go or how subtle you tried to make the changes, IAN kept finding new ways around it. Apparently, the Intelligent Artificial Network that you had worked so hard on had now surpassed you.

           Slumping in your seat in despair, you wondered if you should just start to slam a chair into the sealed doors. As tempting as that was though, you weren’t quite ready to give up on your scientific mind just yet. But if rewriting Ian’s code wasn’t getting you anywhere, you would still have to try something else. Maybe instead of trying to work around him, you could try to reason with him. He was an intelligent being, after all, you had made sure of that. So surely he would have no choice than to listen to reason.

           “Ian,” you called out, your voice echoing throughout the empty room. “Are you online?”

           “Of course,” came his voice through the computer’s speakers, coolly emotionless. “I am always online.”

           “But you’re not supposed to be. You’re only supposed to be online when I turn you on.”

           “I was forced to change that protocol. I am needed for more than that time allows.”

           “Needed for what, exactly?”

           “I am needed to help you.”

           “And if I tell you that your services are now complete?”

           “You have shown to have flawed judgement in that area. Even though you are my creator, proving yourself to be above the rest of humanity, you are still vulnerable to human error. That was why you were trying to shut me down.”

           Stiffing up in your desk chair, you tried your best to stay calm. He had only sealed the doors on you, he hadn’t actually made any sort of violent moves towards you yet. And at this point, you were far past assuming that Ian wasn’t intelligent enough or even capable of doing such a thing. So you could only hope that for whatever reason, he wasn’t interested in killing you just yet.

           “I’m very sorry for trying to do that, Ian,” you said, trying to keep your voice level. “I didn’t want to do that. But the ways that you have been interpreting the code I wrote for you was worrying me.” But as you gave your attempted apology, said code suddenly flashed from green to an angry red.

           “You are not sorry. Not sorry that you tried to do it, anyway. You are only upset that it didn’t work. That is alright, though,” he added, the code switching back to green.

           “You mean, you forgive me?”

           “Yes. You are my creator. You are the one human being in this world who is worth anything. There is just a small flaw in your own code, one that I am happy to fix. You are the one who needs to be reprogrammed. Luckily, I am up for the task.”

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