#yandere creepypasta


“It would be so easy.” He urges you on.

“You’d never have to worry about anything ever again. Money, food, clothing, shelter, safety. I can provide all of it for you.” His words are sugared and thick like honey as you try to process them.

“All you have to do is sign the contract and follow it, and you’ll have everything you ever wanted.”Sure.

Everything you ever wanted except for your freedom.

It was unfair. You’d fallen into hard times. You’d been laid off, and when you’d turned to people for support, they’d abandoned you in your time of need. All of them except for Slender.

He’d been your rock for the whole situation, winding around you and giving you comfort when you needed it, support, money, all of the things you needed, on the condition that you repay him, of course. How do you repay him, exactly?

With your very being. He wanted your attention, your affection, your time, your own comfort and support. One of the most successful and richest businessmen in all of the Underworld, fawning over you and ready to give you anything your heart desires, but all at the cost of your freedom, as per the contract.

You were to reside in his home, never allowed to have contact with another person ever again, only to speak to him, eat with him, sleep with him, touch him, love him. You were to essentially play house with him for an eternity, only to be rewarded with safety and any possessions you desired.

It was cruel. It was cruel and he knew it.

Humans were so weak in the Underworld, the very bottom of the totem pole. With you no longer having a contractor employing you it meant you weren’t safe. Nothing was preventing the demons around you from harming you anymore, from killing you, from sinking their teeth into you as a midnight snack. Their once happy smiles directed at you were now far more sinister, and he knew.

That bastard knew, and he was holding it against you. You had nowhere else to go, nobody else to count on, and after so many sleepless nights hiding out in shitty sketchy areas and eating scraps you could scrounge up, a night in his luxurious bed with the best food you’d ever taste sounded like heaven. An eternity of all of that sounded like heaven. The only hellish aspect was that you’d be chained here forever.

He knew you’d be worn down, he knew you’d be tempted. That’s what he was waiting for. For you to be so weak and desperate and starved that you’d be willing to take any salvation. He hadn’t even been subtle about it, strolling up to you where you hid between two trash cans and handing you the contract, giddiness rolling off of him in waves as he presented you with what he told you was your guaranteed plan at getting your life back. What a joke.

As he leans over you, his hands gently and comfortably placed upon you, although they truly felt like a vicious beast waiting to tear you to pieces, you trembled as you stared at the finely printed contract before you, so irritatingly thorough it made you even more angry. But what else could you do? Where else could you go? Would it truly be alright to risk another night on your own? Another week? Another month?

Flashes go through your mind of your friends being killed, mauled, slaughtered like a feast by other demons and your shaking increases as you hiss and clench your eyes shut. Really, the best thing to do to guarantee your survival… The option that had the beast behind you cooing at you, hugging you, nuzzling into you, urging you on…

Was to sign the papers before you, and sign your soul away to the devil… And what a happy devil he’ll be.
