#yandere mr heed


' , . ! [Yan! Mr. Heed x Fem! Reader]

Ok, listen, I knowI said I wouldn’t do existing characters but by golly, I wanted to write about GB Miss Heed. She’s all that’s right for me! And also, while doing this, I was listening to this playlist

DISCLAIMER!Miss Heed does not belong to me, she is an original character from theVillanousseries. However, she is so captivating that I decided to make a fic about the idea of her character. By the way, Miss Heed’s Male Model is based on the drawings of this terrific blog: @yanmaresu

TW: Yandere themes, use of love positions, kidnapping, mind-washing, prison escape, non-canon situations based on an animated series, non-canon scenes.

The bus stopped in front of the high-security prison. It was past noon, I arrived on time as instructed. The sky was cloudy, and a cool breeze was blowing. I decided to come casual: gray long sleeves, black pants, and black high-heeled boots.

Taking a few steps towards the barred entrance, a security guard stops me. It was an elderly man.


“Job interview…” I answer in a whisper.

“How?” he asks again.

“Job interview! I’m Y/N L/N,” I say louder and more confidently.

“Let’s see…” he checks his list, “Here you are, go ahead.”

Going through all the security checks, from metal detectors to security checks by hand. One by one, all the way to the hiring office.

“It says here you are Y/N L/N, you are new in town and require employment,” read a uniformed woman wearing glasses, “Why do you want to work at the prison?”

She lowers the report I filled out, looking me in the eye.

“Well, um, I found your request for personnel in the newspaper. That with the new inmates, they require care staff for the inmates,” I explained, “And I’m very efficient when it comes to providing services to people, I have experience being a babysitter-”

A fist struck the table, only to stop me.

“These are notchildren,” her voice was harsh, “These are men and women who have committed heinouscrimes.”

“I-I know-” I replied with a trembling voice.

“Okay, don’t ever compare them to children again,” the woman calmed down, “I need you to sign here, here, and here.”

She handed me a document, reading it carefully it said in one part that the penitentiary is not responsible for injuries to staff or their death.

“Huh…” I said to myself, but I need a job, and this one pays well.

“Great,” she took the paperwork from me, “Hired, you start now.”

I was then handed a jean-colored uniform, it was a jumpsuit and a pair of simple brown boots.

“Something I should know?” I asked rising from my seat, ready to get changed and begin.

“Don’t talk to the prisoners, don’t do anything stupid,” she mentioned, typing on her computer, “You will serve the central cells and the only currently occupied maximum-security cell.”

“Alright,” I quickly added.


An hour and a half has passed. At the moment I find myself walking around with a cart of food trays and medicine for some prisoners. “Dinner,” I say, passing the trays through the slots in the doors.

I don’t see who they are, and I think it’s better this way. The less I know, the better.

Arriving at my last destination, the maximum-security cell.

With my credential, I gain access to the enclosure. What I saw, was quite… different.

A large empty room, purely made of metal. And in the center, a glass cell. Surely the glass must be thick. Yet it was all illuminated by pink spotlights…?

What was disturbing was the amount of scribbling on the glass. Hearts, hashtags, among others.

In the center was a young man, sitting with his back to the main entrance. His hair was kind of long, straight, and fading. From pastel pink to brown roots. His outfit was pink too, as was his carpet and bed.

What had he done to be here?

“Umm, excuse me,” I interrupted him, I could hear him whispering things, “Dinner.”

At that, his whispering stops and his hand stops drawing on the glass. Turning slowly, he watches me. Brown eyes bore into my face.

“Andwhoare you?” he asks me a little annoyed, but still gentle.

“Merely a-an intern, nothing more,” I reply, taking his tray and bringing it closer to the entrance.

Inserting it, I wait a few moments for him to take it, I don’t want him to drop it and have me in trouble for it.

Without getting up, he crawls to the tray and takes it.

“That uniform is sooo from the last century,” he mutters and then looks up, “Beat it.”

He looks sad to be here, he doesn’t look like a bad guy. He just looks very very lonely.

“I’ll see you around,” I say goodbye before walking away.


“Today you must enter one of the central cells to provide a prisoner with special medication,” a uniformed man instructs me.

“Understood,” I state.

I’ve already spent three weeks here, I have experience with prisoners already. Except that today I’m instructed to do something different from my day-to-day duties, what can happen.

“Here you go,” I give a bald man his medication, he was restrained in a straitjacket.

“Screw it, pretty girl!” he yelled, deciding to give me a head butt. Boy, did that hurt. To my relief, they had sent a guard with me. It seems this guy is very violent.

On my break, I headed to the bathroom to check on the bruise.

“Damn!” I yell, washing my face, “Ugh.”

I can’t do anything about it, other than put on a band-aid. Continuing my rounds, I was again left with prisoner H-33D’scell.

By the time I accessed the facility, he was lying on his bed. I walked as fast as I could to him, I want my shift to end already.

“Hey, dinner,” I say and before he can see me, I turn to grab the tray.

“You never told me your name,” he mentioned, I didn’t know he was already sitting there waiting.

“Here you go, enjoy,” without another word, I tried to leave.

“You didn’t answer~” he insisted in a sing-song voice.

“…Y/N,” I replied without turning to look at him.

“And that nasty bruise on your forehead?” he observed, “It looks, like, super awful.”

“Just a work accident,” I replied wearily, “If you’ll excuse me-”

He hurriedly approached the glass, banging gently with both fists.

“How about you…if you stay a few more minutes?” his face was so sincere, he looked desperate for conversation. Though considering the previous weeks, he was slowly opening up to a little more exchange of words. We went from a get the hell out of heretopolite greetingstohow was your day?

“I can’t-” immediately his voice interrupted me.

“Yes you can, I know you have 20 minutes left before your shift is over,” he smiled somewhat excitedly…maybe too much.

“This will get me in trouble,” I crossed my arms.

“Oh~ please, pretty please,” his right hand slid down the glass, “Just a few minutes.”

Those brown eyes with dark circles under begged me for company.

“Ugh…” I sighed throwing my head back, “Fine, but-”

“Yei!” he celebrated, “Come on, get closer.”

Without hesitation, I approached him. Even seated, he seemed to be buzzing with excitement. I sat across from him, divided only by the glass. The strange thing about this cell is that it has no cameras…do they think it’s the safest security?

“I don’t think we got off to a good start,” he smiled kindly, “I’m Cec- I’m Heed, Mr. Heed.”

“Heed?” I ask, “That’s your name?”

“What can I say, I’m a star~” he brought his hand to his lip, “Don’t tell me you don’t know me.”

“I’m new in town, so I don’t,” his grin immediately fell apart.

“You’re not a follower of mine? Too bad, you are missing out on so much~” he slowly laid down on the floor, “Although I’m sure the agents have my phone…agh!”

He hit the floor, annoyed. I hope my face doesn’t show him how shocked I am by his drastic change of emotions.

“Tell me, Y/N, do you think I’m attractive?” he sighed, staring at the ceiling.

“For a criminal, you’re…kind of attractive,” I admitted.

“So you actually consider it!” he sat up excitedly, “To you, I look beautiful!”

“Mmm, hey Heed,” I changed the subject, “You have powers? Is that why you got a different treatment?”

At that, he moves closer to the glass.

“You want to see it?” he asks eagerly. I just nod my head slowly, unsure if I really want to.

“Can I have some water?” he holds out his hand, indicating to me that water is necessary. I pass him a plastic bottle I had for myself.

“Well, get ready~” he put some in his hand, showing me, “Now…”

He inhaled deeply and blew the water out. I thought it would splash into, however, it evaporated into a little heart cloud.

“That was cute,” I said, smiling. His face turned a little pink, or am I seeing wrong?

Over the next few days, he would force me to stay longer. Minutes, even hours. We would talk about him, just about him, and sometimes about me. But when we talked about me, he would listen attentively. He doesn’t interrupt me at any point.

Today, however…

“No! No! No!” he shrieked, “Do you have to go already? Why?!”

“Heed, it’s past my time” I stood up, “But look, I have these for you.”

Some time ago they had taken out the markers he had. I decided to get him some new ones and they are his favorite color.

“No way, Y/n…” he covered his mouth with both hands, “You’re beautiful.”

I blushed instantly. Relax, he’s just grateful.

Slipping my hand through the slot in his cell, I handed him the pink markers. His delicate hands gingerly brushed mine. Never at any time pulling me, hurting me, but rather…being gentle.

“See you, Mr. Highness,” I smiled, leaving.

As I was leaving, I met a female scientist approaching Heed’s cell. Her face was covered by a paper bag, over which she wore round glasses.

“Good night…” I quickly read her robe somewhat hidden under a black jacket, “Dr. Flugg.”

“Good night,” she greeted hurriedly, continuing on her way.


The next day, Heed was erratic. According to what I was told, that’s what happened. I was not allowed to be near him, or anyone else, because of his bad behavior. Passing through the corridors, I could hear screams from his cell. He must have been screaming very loudly for his screams to get through those walls.

Since I finished everything earlier and security is against accessing Heed’s cell, I decided to read files.

“Dull, boring, gloomy,” I said to myself as I flipped through the brown folders, “ Boring- What?”

Internal Operations Report (Folio: 00-451003) Subject: H-33D

I opened it carefully, this is Heed’s file.

“Name...Cecil ArmandoKelley” I whispered, “Security…level 9 type…Power: Vaporization 2,0…”

Just as I was about to read some more, the door handle turned. Alerted by that, I stored all the files as I found them.

“What are you doing here?” asked a guard.

“I was asked to return files,” I lied without hesitation.

“Have you done that?” he asked, to which I nodded, “Get out.”

Nonchalantly, I did.

“Take prisoner H-33D his dinner while you’re at it,” the guard ordered me, “He hasn’t eaten anything in 24 hours.”

That took me by surprise, so I walked quickly to get the tray and ran to his cell.

My card again allowed me to pass.

“Love me…love me…” he whispered, it seemed like we were back to day one, I thought until he heard me come in. Then he turned around, glad to see me.

“Y/N~!” he called in a sweet voice, “It’s you! You came to see me~”

“Heed, what happened to you?” I handed him his food, “No one was allowed to see you, and I heard your screams…”

My sight lifted to the new scriptures in his transparent cage. There were hashtags with our initials, hearts, and phrases like rescue meorlove me.

“What’s that all about-?” I pointed to the doodles.

“Oh, don’t worry about what happened,” he smiled ignoring what I asked, “I just…I had a visit from someone I know and well, it didn’t go as I expected.”

Could it be Dr. Flugg?

“And how are you feeling now?” I asked worriedly, his voice did sound a little hoarse.

“Better since you’re here,” he laughed mirthfully, “Although, I need your help.”

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue with what he had to say.

“You see, I…since we’re very close,” he began, his eyes never leaving mine, “When I was locked up, they took a…perfume from me. Could you bring it to me? I just want a spray, then you can return it so you don’t get in trouble.”

His reasoning is fair, I mean, no one will know if I return it immediately.

“I’ll do anything for you, Mr. Highness,” I replied laughing.

After a risky mission to infiltrate the storage of belongings. In a box labeled H-33D, I found his strange bottle. Round, it looked like it could be used as a bracelet. A pink liquid inside it.

“Here you go!” I said, glad to see his reaction.

“Y/N, you’re like an angel in this horrible place,” he thanked. He instantly placed his bracelet on his wrist.

“It’s nothing,” I replied, “It looks interesting, what does it smell like?”

“Want to try it?” he asked excitedly, “You’ll love it~”

He poured some into his hand.

In that instant, I remembered his file. I remembered that he is in prison for a reason that has to do with his power… Why did he want the perfume so much? Why didn’t he wear it first? It’s always about him first and then the others.

“Um, Heed-?”

Don’t talk to the prisoners… don’t do anything stupid…

“Don’t worry, you’ll feel great afterward~” he took advantage of the slit still being open, and he blew me a kiss.


“Hello to all my dear followers! It’s me, Mr. Heed!” he smiled on screen, after making a heart gesture with his hand, “I’m back and I have wonderful news!”

He looked much better now. Made up with pink hearts around his eyes, mascara, and his pink contact lenses. His outfit had changed too, now it was more flamboyant. Finally, his hair was completely pink, just like before. On his head decorated luminous headphones.

He pulled the H/C girl close to his side so that she could also be seen on screen.

“Today is a very happy day, for we have a very special guest! Give her a welcome full of lovesto my girlfriend, Y/N~” he kissed her on her cheek. The girl just smiled, happy on the outside.

“And now that I’m back,” he laughed, “I’ll be updating my instagram account with pictures of my beloved girl here.”

“Oh! Heed!” she blushed, hiding her face in the young man’s neck.

“And also,” his tone turned threatening, “I have new plans for the future~

