#yandere muzan


Please request only one person if you want a prompt. I know that I wrote in the past for more than one character but I can write with more ease when it comes to fluid writing when I can focus on only one character. I don’t know why that is though, I guess otherwise I feel too drained afterwards.

Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, clinginess, gaslighting, abduction

Prompt 28: “I need you more than I need air to breathe.”

You wanted to cease to exist or die right in that moment, tears silently dripping down your cheeks despite your best attempts to bite them back. The abhorred and terrifying closeness between you and him had you wishing to be swallowed by Mother Earth and feeling his cold hands and his sharp nails on your neck, arms and back had your insides recoil with disgust and horror.

It was sheer fear that kept you seated obediently on his lap, hands folded awkwardly and eyes glued on them. His touch was unbearable enough, his gaze would only give you the rest. You despised those plum red eyes, all high and mighty, judging you and examining you.

You loathed those eyes because you couldn’t recognize any emotion that could have made the monster he was in front of you even the slightest bit more human. Muzan was cold-blooded, narcissistic and menacing and the pure gleam of obsession and possessiveness whenever you locked eyes with him was enough to make you feel nauseous.

Even this rather lovely gesture right now was eerie and frightening you to your bones. It was toxic because of the fondness he was currently expressing, keeping you placed on his lap, caressing your body and even going through the troubles of wiping away your tears every now and then.

You could even hear him taking calm and deep breaths to savor your scent and could feel the exhaled air tickling your skin, a contrast to your own suppressed sniffles and sobs.

You didn’t dare to relax and lower your guard, not when this man was Kibutsuji Muzan. You never had felt more out of place either. Thrown into a world full of demons with the king of them keeping you in here for himself, for reasons unknown to you still.

In moments of coldness he was implanting fear into your heart, snarling at you in his monotone voice that you should be grateful that he even spared your life and took you in. In moments where he seemed to lower his guard and became more intimate and open with you, he claimed to love you, expressed a desire to protect you yet in his eyes you had only ever seen an infatuated obsession and the greed to own you.

You stifled when one of his thumbs slid right over the pulse on your neck, the fear to be pierced by his claws embedded in your soul.

“I’m not going to hurt you, darling. Right now you don’t have to be afraid.”

That nickname made you want to cringe away though you refrained yourself from doing so, fearing to anger him in the process. It was probably still better than being labeled as a “feeble human”.

“You fascinate me. Somehow I need you more than I need air to breathe.”

The moment he forced you to meet his eyes, you felt sick to the core. You hated that look in his eyes that saw you more as a priced possession than a living being, something to own.

“I wonder what else you’ll surprise me with.”
