#yandere norton campbell


If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Norton Hcs

tw: yandere, swearing, death 

  • Such a kind man on the surface. Always smiling and helpful to anyone, no matter the person. Sure he’s had his days, but then again everyone does. It is pretty strange how you never see it, though
  • Isn’t very subtle about his attraction towards you. He can be caught staring at you with love struck eyes whenever you are in the same room as him
  • Very persistent to get you to love him. Complementing you, giving you gifts, he’ll do anything, but spending time with you is his go-to. He gets a little too touchy with you at times, but push him away all you want, he’ll be right by your side again
  • Rough man in general and that goes for kidnapping you when you don’t take his hints. Hits your head so hard you’d think he killed you. Is very gentle afterwards, keeping his voice down and acting as if you were made of glass so he doesn’t hurt you anymore
  • Don’t try to trick him with your fake love because he won’t fall for any of it. He’s smarter than you might expect and knows the difference between the two. He’ll take good guesses on why you would do such a thing, too. What did you take him for? An idiot?
  • He will hurt anyone you’re close to as a punishment. Any and all care he had for them is gone if they were his friend. You’re his first priority and if he has to betray some people in order to get your love, then so be it
  • He’ll be found rambling about his plans for your guys’ future together. How the two of you will have a beautiful wedding once you leave the manor, how many children you’ll have, how you’ll grow old and live out the rest of your days together
  • Jealousy is a big thing with him. There’s no longer any sadness or insecurity, just seething rage. Why would he feel those other emotions when he knows you’re his? 
  • He’ll act all nice until he’s in a match with them, but once he is, they’re done for. He’ll hunt them down as if he’s the hunter and will hurt them as such. Everyone there is so confused to see their teammate downed instantly when the hunter is nowhere near them
  • He has a tendency to overpower you when you don’t listen, using his body to encompass your more fragile one and slowly holding you tighter and tighter until you could barely even breathe
  • There are rare times where he will beg you to stay when you escape, pouring his heart and soul into his pleading
  • “Please don’t leave me, y/n. I’m so fucking in love with you that it hurts.”
  • Love him. That’s all he wants. All he ever thinks about is you. He literally can’t live without you, so if you leave his love unrequited after all he does, he’ll kill you before killing himself. If he can’t have you, no one can