#yandere peter parker


Request: Yan! Peter Parker where you wake up and see him cuddle with you, you also don’t know who he is

           Peter was most definitely a morning person. He had no choice but to be one, considering the incredible view he got to wake up to each and every morning. You were far better than breakfast in bed, far more beautiful than any sunrise. Waking up to the sight of you every day gave him the strength to face the world and give it his all. For the rest of the day, whether he was in class or swinging from building to building, he would reminisce about just how beautiful, how peaceful, you looked that morning. And that was just about all of the fuel he needed to get through the day until he got to see you again.

           Right now though, Peter was having a really hard time getting out of bed. Staring at you as the sunlight shone down on your already breathtaking face, he couldn’t bear to so much as look away, let alone leave you behind. Couldn’t he steal just a few more minutes with you? He always had to leave so early, it just wasn’t fair. His love for you was practically begging for him to stay just a little bit longer, as if it was a living creature with a mind of its own. And with its voice joining his, Peter simply couldn’t say no.

           And so, he continued to lay by your side, gazing at you in such deep contentment that he didn’t even notice how the sunlight was slowly transforming from the barest light of dawn to the fully-fledged golden light of morning. All that Peter noticed was how his heart began to swell now that he could see you so much more clearly. So deep was his gaze that when your morning alarm began to go off, he completely failed to hear it at first, far too busy listening to the soothing sound of your breathing.

           It was only when he heard you begin to mumble in miserable distress that Peter remembered exactly what was going on.

           “Come on,” you muttered into your pillow, “it can’t be time to get up already.

           Flinging an arm out from under the covers, you groped blindly for your phone, trying to turn off the alarm without having to open your eyes. More than happy to help, Peter ever-so-slowly started to sit up without disturbing you, reaching over you to tap the screen. When the alarm finally stopped, he very nearly blew out a sigh of relief, only for him to stop himself just in time. As he watched you continue to fidget under your sheets though, he was struck by a sudden inspiration, one that he knew could make you both happy.

           “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. You don’t have anywhere to be today,” he whispered in your ear. Still half-asleep, you gratefully sunk back into your pillow, too glad to have someone tell you that you should go back to bed to question who even said it. Grinning to himself, Peter could hardly believe his luck. So happy was he, in fact, that he didn’t even think twice when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

           You certainly noticed though.

           The foreign touch jolting you awake, you pushed yourself off the bed in terrified shock, falling to the floor in your confusion. Your legs tangled up in the bedsheets, it took you a moment to stand back up, longer than it should have considering the way that your hands were shaking as you recalled that too-soft touch. When you finally made it back on your feet, you only got the slightest glimpse of stranger’s face—one with eyes that shined as they looked at you—while he promptly leapt from your bedroom window, seeming not to care about just how high up your apartment was. Rushing to the window, you looked out, fully expecting to seem him falling to his death, only for you to see nothing at all. How could you, when Peter was stuck to the window two floors above you, gazing down at you with his signature lovesick look?  

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