#yandere villain x reader


Breaking Contract (Yandere Lobo x Reader)

Request: Request for: Yandere Lobo from DC (comics or that one movie superman man of to-morrow) with fem reader as a bounty that he won’t gives up.
You still couldn’t believe that he had caught you. Sure, Lobo may have been one of the most renowned bounty hunters in the galaxy, but after running from the law for so long, you had grown to think that it would always be that way. That Lobo would always be nipping at your heels as you raced from planet to planet, the two of you forever dancing dangerously with each other but never letting anything come to fruition. Even now, as the Space Hog flew through the black abyss of space, you were still desperately working on an escape plan in the back of your mind.
There was no use trying to jump from Lobo’s motorcycle, you reminded yourself. Even if you did somehow get out of the shackles chaining you to the damn thing, the sec-ond that you were out of the Space Hog’s protective radius would put you at the nonexist-ent mercy of the vacuum of space. And as for trying to get Lobo off of the motorcycle so you could take it for yourself, you highly doubted that the functionally immortal biker would be very happy with you once he whistled for his motorcycle to return to him. Your only option then would be to wait until he landed. That meant that you would have to deal with both him and the Graxions who had hired him to capture you, but you didn’t see much else of a choice. And hey, maybe it would be fun. Now if only—
“Hope you’re not thinking too hard back there, princess,” Lobo chortled, blindly groping behind himself for your chains and yanking you right into his broad back when he found them. “Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”
“And yet I seem to remember you hurting me plenty.”
“Well, hey, a chick’s gotta expect to get a smack on her ass when she tries to run off on her man.”
“Is that so?”
“Course,” he grunted. “Didn’t figure when I got hired that you’d be such a little firecracker. Can’t say I’m too mad about it though.”
“I know,” you sighed theatrically. “I’m just too charming to be angry with.”
“That’s for fucking sure, babe.”
The two of you settling down into a comfortable—or at least, a relatively comforta-ble—silence, you contented yourself with watching the stars as best as you could so long as you were being squished against the Czarnian brute. As the minutes passed, you start-ed to wonder just how much longer it would be until you reached the Graxions anyway. As far as you could tell, you were nowhere near their planet, but in thinking it over, that wasn’t too surprising. You highly doubted that they would want Lobo anywhere near their planet, and really, you could hardly blame them.
“Hey, how much longer until we get there?”
“Just a few more hours.”
“Hours? As in plural? Just how far did the Graxions ask you to go?”
Shaking his head in amusement, Lobo chuckled, “Princess, what did I say about thinking too hard? I’m not taking you to the fucking Graxions. I’m taking you home.”
“My home?”
“It’ll be your home once we get there. You’re gonna love it, I got the place all ready for you.”
“You mean you’re taking me to your home?” you asked. “You can’t!” Finally starting to feel suffocated in the vacuum of space, you vaguely wondered if you should try jump-ing from the motorcycle after all.
“Why the hell not?”
“Well—well what about your contract?”
“Now that’s a funny fucking story,” he said, twisting around to grin wildly at you. “I was able to uh, convince, this guy to make a counter contract for even more money to just ignore the Graxions. Sure, I convinced him by pointing my gun in his face, but that counts. So now I’m all in the clear. It’s cute for you to worry about me though. The Main Man’s got you now, so you can just relax and let me take care of things.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you turned your eyes up towards the stars, wishing that you were up there with them. You couldn’t believe what you had gotten sucked into here. In all of the time that

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