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Premise:You reconnect with your childhood friend Itadori Yuji as both of you are home for the holidays. Only these aren’t so happy holidays, and the hallmark movie is a little darker than may appear.

tw: yandere, drugging, noncon, violence (to people other than reader or Yuji)

This work is part of the Not so Happy Holidays collab.


You unlocked the door of your childhood home, walking into the foyer where the christmas tree sat decorated by the stairs. “Hello?” You called out. “I wanted to surprise you guys!” You exclaimed while dragging in your suitcase. The house was quiet, but maybe they went out. After you dragged your suitcase into your old room, you pulled out your phone to call your parents. It turns out they had gone out… Of town… For the holidays. Why they never brought it up was beyond you, but there you were… Stuck in your childhood house alone.

“Jin says Itadori is home for the holidays as well. Why don’t you go say hello?” Your mother suggested. Itadori Yuji. Your childhood friend. The one who’s bedroom lined up with yours. Both playing together since you were little, you being a few years older than him. Growing up with him, your mind was filled with fond memories of the two of you, your heart never failing to flutter at the thought of him.

“I’ll have to stop by and see him.” You chimed while looking at yourself in the mirror, readjusting your hair. After a little more small talk with your mother, you hung up the phone and kneeled before your suitcase. When you opened it you rummaged through and pulled out the red formfitting sweater dress. You quickly changed into it and placed a big black belt around your waist to accentuate it. Finally you pulled up your hair into a ponytail and adorned it with a matching red ribbon. You touched up your makeup and flattened the dress before grabbing your jacket and heading next door. Knocking three time, you rocked on your heels while waiting on the porch. You could hear footsteps beyond the door, and your heart was beating faster than you could imagine.

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