#yang cosplay

Character: Yang Xiao LongSeries: RWBYDate: 09/03/2019Character: Yang Xiao LongSeries: RWBYDate: 09/03/2019

Character: Yang Xiao Long

Series: RWBY

Date: 09/03/2019

Post link
Character: Yang Xiao LongSeries: RWBYDate: 09/03/2019Character: Yang Xiao LongSeries: RWBYDate: 09/03/2019

Character: Yang Xiao Long

Series: RWBY

Date: 09/03/2019

Post link

There were soo many highlights at Fan Expo Boston! I was so happy to be back at a con surrounded by people who love the same nerdy things I do. That’s a feeling I really missed that can’t quite be replicated digitally.

It was amazing to see my old friends and cosfam who I hadn’t seen in 1.5+ years!! I was lucky enough to get Lana Parilla’s autograph while I was in my Queen cosplay on Saturday and I didn’t even faint or throw up! She’s the kindest, most beautiful, and gracious person.

On Sunday, I got to @sennedjemcosplay ‘s new Fallout cosplay and marvel at their weathering technique.

I’m really excited to read about Atom Eve and Rex Splode’s backstories too! And the amazing artist Nate Bellegarde was kind enough to sign it for me—and even chat about his work for the comics and the show!! I’m so tired but so excited to be back at cons in person again. Off to read now!

{Note: I’m not wearing a mask in the Yang pic because I was inside my apartment waiting for my Lyft. X
