#yang hai


It has been lonely, Yang Hai thinks, since Isumi left.


in the meantime
Character(s): Yang Hai, Isumi Shinichirou
Notes: 1) is this fandom alive
            2) my ability to title is astounding, isn’t it
            3) why do i have to ship obscure ships, why


It has been lonely, Yang Hai thinks, since Isumi left.

Thegoban sits, unused, in the corner of the room; Yang Hai never used it, preferring to practice on the computer outside of class time. What is the point, anyway, of playing a two-player game without an opponent?

It’s funny how much of a routine the games with Isumi had become, how enjoyable it had been to watch Isumi’s evolution from an easily-unnerved player to a level-headed, collected one. Yang Hai likes to think he had a lot more to do with the change than he actually did. Isumi had already been an excellent player when he came to Beijing; all Yang Hai had done, really, was kickstarted his personal development.

Eventually, Isumi would’ve stumbled upon the secret to refining his go himself. Yang Hai isn’t – wasn’t – a crucial part of the puzzle, just an available one.

Yang Hai flops onto his unmade bed, tries not to dwell on the empty one (perpendicular from his; set up so that, when they’d lay on their sides, Yang Hai could see Isumi’s face and Isumi could see his).

It isn’t, he reminds himself, setting his pillow over his face, as though they don’t keep in touch. The internet is a marvelous invention, and does a lot more than just provide an arena for more go matches. Before Isumi flew out to Tokyo Yang Hai added him to all his social networks, and extracted a promise to come online as often as possible, with reasonably satisfactory results (in fact, Isumi had beat Le Ping in an internet match just yesterday).

He scrunches his eyes shut, groans into his pillow.

Obviously, he’s got too much free time on his hands, to be thinking like this. He needs to find himself a new hobby, one that does not involve fantasizing about pretty Japanese exchange students with gentle smiles and ridiculously long eyelashes.

Maybe later – in the meantime:

Isumi hovers behind Yang Hai’s eyelids. He is smiling, even while looking awfully determined, like I’m going to win this one, Yang Hai-san.

Hang Yai smiles into his pillow.

Bring it on.
