#yann itor



“Rose” part (½)

A lil something something starring Henry and Yann, the administrator and the janitor. Who knows what they’re up to.

Part 2 will be a little longer, I hope you’ll appreciate it

I’m never drawing that oak again, fuck you Hex


wow! another shithead! Meet Henry, he works in the administration of the park but spends most of his time in the gardens or the Haunted Hollow. He has a short temper and Yann doesn’t really like him. But they hang out together anyways. He has a secret and he hopes nobody will ever know about it.

I almost named him Bread crumb btw

andersam5:@retr0scum and I had absolute brainrot last night for Yann Itor being Ritas wholesome Uncl


@retr0scum and I had absolute brainrot last night for Yann Itor being Ritas wholesome Uncle when she was a kid

blessings -sobs-

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