#yayyy softly sad writing inspiration



“Long time no see! How’re you holding up?”
“You clearly weren’t expecting me.”
“I came here to help you, but if you’d rather I hadn’t, I will leave you alone again.”
“I thought I’d just stop by and see how you were doing… It’s been a while.”
“You’ve been quiet lately.”
“How are you? Honestly. Don’t give me the usual crap.”
“Why’re you sitting here all by yourself?”
“This is supposed to be a party. You are supposed to dance, not sulk.”
“Has nobody come to see you?”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“When’s the last time you went outside?”
“Do you even want to see anyone?”
“You seem lonely…”
“Don’t you have any friends?”
“I don’t mind keeping you company.”
“Do you really have this place all to yourself?”
“Maybe if you tried being nice every once in a while you would actually have people who cared about you.”
“I’d visit you more often if I had the time…”
“I am your friend. You’ve got me.”
“Are you lonely?”
“I just want to be left alone.”
“I’ve been so alone.”
“You’re the first person to visit me in ages.”
“I wish you’d visit more often.”
“I’m just so sick of being alone all the time.”
“No, of course I’m not lonely.”
