#yeah like


Yeah nah I take back what I said about s6’s designs I was too caught up on snakey boy and yogurt coming back to the meta to be like “ah fuck man these designs are actually atrocious” so my bad I take responsibility for that


Idk if that’s just me but sometimes Marinette’s crush on Adrien feels like the writers mocking teenage girls crushing on boys. Like when I had crushes back in school I did some cringy things to get the attention from the boy I liked, but the show takes it to such extremes at times that it’s not in the slightest “relatable” or like a “we can laugh about it when we’re older” thing, it’s more like “haha teen girls are so stupid and weird and obsessive when it comes to crushes. Takes them forever to just confess what a loser”

Exactly what are the writers trying to accomplish with this? Comedy? Dragging this nonsense out for 618262919 more seasons? Because the only thing that comes out of it so far is tons of unnecessary Marinette salt/bashing for no reason other than a girl being in love with a boy.


Piping fuckin hot take incoming but it doesn’t matter if fat people are healthy. Not everyone has to be a paragon of fuckin health to be treated like a person.



I’m not even kidding when I say I wish I had a friend that wanted to buy a house w me

Everyone is waiting for a romantic partner and I’m thinking, or we could stop speaking in hypotheticals and plan for the future together? Don’t we love each other? Don’t we care for one another? Aren’t we bound by the shared agreement that our lives may intertwine indefinitely? Sign a mortgage agreement w me!
