#yeah thats exactly what happened





I’m at the start of MAG158 and obviously we’re not supposed to trust Peter or his ritual but I MORE don’t trust Elias right now. Like oh yeah sure totally, Elias is TOTALLY fine with The Lonely completing their ritual to stop a probably-fake(?) Extinction ritual and letting Peter just use the Mag Institute to do it just

I really think Peter’s gonna get halfway through his whatever and then Elias (or Jon) is gonna pop out like “Surprise! It was me! Dio! The Eye!”

#Elias has been too quiet in Gay Baby Jail I don’t Trust

There he goes!!! The Man himself!!! Broken from the Babiest of Jails!!

This scene with Elias taunting Martin about everything that’s going on: I am picturing Elias laid out across a grand piano in a red sparkly cocktail dress with a slit down the side (in the middle of the panopticon still, of course) and I will accept no refutations of this.


Pete: makes Vegas feel something

Vegas: this messes with my bad bitch personality which I am always faking
