#yeah thats his nameandjsnd


Updates + rewriting characters and giving Golfball a bf apparently

Ok so yeah, as I said before, schools is painful and I’m kinda being on hiatus apparently but hear me out

Iam actually working on decently writing my characters, one step at a time, starting with Golfball and kinda fixed this whole age thing for him cuz it was- just weird- snjddn

Basically at first I thought, yeah mentally a child, chronologically an adult cuz- y'know yeah he was thrown out so I thought it would’ve make sense to have his chronological age and mental/actual age separately but then it was just- fucking weird-

Now he’s just- yeah normally 19 as Seven, with the difference that being on standby for that long when he was thrown out affected a bit the way he acts cuz- he basically didn’t felt the time passing. He randomly woke up as an adult when he was a teen when he was thrown, so ye

Also I wanted to prevent to infantilize him too much, so yeah I’m working more on his character

So, onto the next part, one of my friends drew a Protogen version of Golfball/Seven and I was like “OK HELL YEAH I NEED ONE” So yesterday I sat in front of my computer and spent my afternoon researching everything about Protogens and fucking studied the lore and characteristics instead of studying Math- So now I have a design for this Protoboy and just give Golfball a boyfriend ya ain’t gonna stop me ajdjsjf

Putting a little doodles under the read more cuz- why not sjdjdjd enjoy this spoiler until I finish Xeno’s (yeah that’s his name lma) ref sheet


Look at them I’m brainrotting

The other OC in the background with Neon is my other friend’s OC Envy djjdjd
