#yeah what he said

A poem entitled ‘Beauty’ written by Stuart Sutcliffe, inside a1956 copy of The Prescotian school magA poem entitled ‘Beauty’ written by Stuart Sutcliffe, inside a1956 copy of The Prescotian school mag

A poem entitled ‘Beauty’ written by Stuart Sutcliffe, inside a1956 copy of The Prescotian school magazine. Sutcliffe would have been 16 when this was published.

‘It comes and fades, but
No excuse is proffered
For this myth which captures
Mankind under some ghoulish
Spell. Who knows what fruitless ventures,
Lost in this world’s entirety, are inspired,
Allured by some clownish
Amazon. Mentioned, whispered, from
Some shadowed corner
Of this brazen earth.
Cut off, save for this wonderful thing
Of Gods ! Beauty ! And ‘twill cling
Forever to this dungeon cell.
Call’t what you will, I call it Hell.’

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