#yearning the yearning yall



Roman Holiday

Summary: Frankie joins you in a living room tent ❤️

Box Set Universe

Rating: Explicit

a/n: Hello! Because you all have been so sweet and patient waiting for me and because I still have a couple weeks of hiatus left, I thought I would pop in and drop a little token of my appreciation. It’s been a long time since I wrote about these two — I hope you enjoy! ❤️ note: no taglist because I’m posting this from mobile — my apologies and pictures from @heythere-mel❤️

“Nice little setup you got here.”

Frankie’s face peeps in between the opening of the dark sheets and you grin at the way his curls are slightly askew, at the slivers of grey highlighted around the corner of his jaw.

He looks around, taking in the nest of blankets, the mound of pillows and you, with a smile.

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