#yeet the melon - ooc

yeet the melon - oocyeet the melon - oocyeet the melon - oocyeet the melon - oocyeet the melon - ooc


Casual reminder to all my partners;

                                    I am not fast.


When it comes to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, etc. You treat everyone like human beings who deserve equal rights.


Reblog this if your rp partners and mutuals can reply to a thread any time they want! It doesn’t matter if it’s after a week, a month, or multiple months! You don’t believe in ‘late replies’, because unlike the impatient pissbabies who unfollow, softblock, or even hardblock others over 'late replies’. You never lose interest in your partners or their muses, because you genuinely and sincerely want to interact with them!


There are plenty of Canon Muse blogs that are godmodding, OP, one-shot happy as well!

Tag dump!

Also I’ll go over verses, while we’re here:

sure is a melon - general

This is for general stuff, whether it be for threads not happening in a specific time-period, or for IC answering of asks, or loads of other things. You’ll probably see this one a lot.

melon in the field - past

This is for anything relating to Meron when he was in Kusajishi, before he became a member of the Gotei. This version of Meron doesnt have the training or equipment of a Shinigami, and tends to be a little more pessimistic.

bronze melon - 3rd seat

This tag is for anything happening while Meron is a member of the Gotei, which will most likely take place while he’s the third seat for the 11th devision, but will include things from his prior activity in the Gotei as well.

illigal melon - post hollowfication

Pretty self-explainitory, this one is for the time between the Visoreds stabilising and the end of the Fake Katakura Town arc.

rolling free - after Aizen

Again, pretty self-explainitory: this is for the time between Aizen’s defeat and the Thousand Year Blood War.

bankain’t - TYBW

As in sure the people who’ve read the final arc would have figured, this one is for threads that take place during the Thousand Year Blood War.

melon to the future - 10 years later

A tag for anything happening after the 10 year time skip.

melon salad - crossover

This’ll be used for any crossover threads, with the second world used for each thread being tagged as necessary.


Hey, Hey, L I S T E N

here, on this blog, you do not need permission to slip into my asks. just do it. even if we haven’t interacted before. even if you’ve sent 10 already. send me more. i love getting asks (in character or out of character) and yeah, i’m slow as fuck, but i promise you i will get to them. have at it, fill my inbox with memes or impromptu starters or just tell me how your day is going. it really doesn’t matter. just go ahead and do it. i promise, i don’t get annoyed seeing the same people in my inbox, actually it makes me happy because yAY MORE INTERACTIONS. so just do it.
