

My loved ones ❤️

With and without background, I hate background ah

I love the contrast between their colors, just gonna wait here until an interaction between them, I can wait it’s not like my other ship has me waiting a year and counting


Made a headcanon that after Yelan reports Ningguang if they have time they will spend it talking

Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow

WIP - It takes soooo long to do lineart I don’t know what was I thinking

I may redo this drawing just because it’s too much lineart and do it as always do

Well anyway, if genshin doesn’t change anything today the update should be coming tomorrow finally I will have Yelan finally aaaaaaa

Loves of my entire life

I finally managed to draw Yelan again I don’t know why I couldn’t but finally did it

I will wait patiently for you my love ‍♀️


I love drawing them together and as always I have to make my own content cause nobody’s drawing them together ‍♀️ (if you know an artist that is drawing them together be free to share it to me please ;-;)

I have homework and I want to draw once again

Happy birthday Yelan sadly your birthday came first than the 2.7 update

Yeah, not gonna fight on doing a detailed background or anything like that

Reference taken from a photo of moonbyul and solar (probably going to use more)

