#yellow yaks


So apparently this is just a thing I do now. If this is the first of my MCC skin posts you’re seeing, I’m a huge fan of CaptainSparklez and Minecraft Championship. I did CaptainSparklez’ MCC14 (here) and MCC15 (here) teams. And now it’s the MCC16 team’s turn! Feel free to share this, just tag this post so that it links back to me. Thank you! Ok, more below the cut.

I’m using my reddit username as the signature, don’t worry I’m not stealing from anyone.

So this time I had a bit more of an inkling I was going to do this (as I’ve done it twice before). But I wasn’t sure how to theme it. And then I thought, ‘hey, both CaptainSparklez and HBomb94 are in Vault Hunters, let’s style it after that!’ Yeah, so at the time the Aqua Axolotls weren’t released yet and I had no idea there would be a ¾ Vault Hunters team. Whatever, HBomb94 said he thought the team would do well in Sands of Time, I can use that as my excuse.

And I totally decided to make putting the mascot on the back a sort of signature of mine. I did use a different design this time, simply because the previous Yak would’ve been way too big. So mini-Yak it is! It’s very cute. Also, I shaded the clothes this time. It was… something. At least I sort of learned what the burn/dodge tool is for.

Anyways, here’s the individual breakdown.


Going to start with Ponk because that’s the one I started with. Now, I don’t know Ponk very well, but when I found his skin I noticed that most had what I believe is a balaclava? Anyways his head thing. I thought I’d turn it into this scarf because I was basing this off of Nathan Drake from Uncharted. That and Indiana Jones were my main two references. Also, fun fact, I shaded this one last. Oh, and the hair is not mine, he had a skin which had his hair showing so I used that.


Hey it’s GeorgeNotFound. I feel like I’ve done his skin before… Actually, I kind of ran into the same problem I had when I was doing the MCC14 skins. Namely, GeorgeNotFound’s skin is very plain. Which is fine and all, except when everyone else on the team has more complex skins. So I gave him a scarf to match Ponk. I also decided not to match the block shading this time. I left the skin and hair matching it, but then shaded the clothes to match the team. I think it worked out nicely.


HBomb94′s skin was tricky. Do you know how hard plaid is to pull off on a minecraft skin? It’s very hard. I had to redesign it because the pattern he usually wears is weirdly spaced (and once you see that you can’t ever un-see it). But it’s totally worth it, I love how it turned out. I also moved it to the outer layer so that I could fit a shirt underneath. I initially had is pants with a more cowboy vibe, but it wasn’t matching the theme. I may have to do a cowboy theme one day.


And finally, CaptainSparklez. I feel like you can see that I drew some inspiration from my last Yellow Yak skin for CaptainSparklez. Which is sort of the hard part about him being on the same color. I’ve got to do yellow again while not matching my own work or the skin he ended up actually using. This skin, most of all, I think, shows how I’m improving month over month. I like the subtle gradient on the coat a lot. And I’m a lot happier with a yellow coat. It feel a lot more Yellow Yaks than a brown coat does.


Plus, here’s the special bonus round! I don’t know Ponk. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind the scarf design. But just in case, I altered the skin slightly to include the balaclava mask. And this one does make it more clear who it is, as the other one is a bit less recognizable.

Here’s all the skins in case you want them yourself. 
