#yes big kinks is a pun



That feel when you’ve paid for your first ever nsfwe art commissions and wanna show the artists’ amazing results off to everyone but your blog is SFW and has to remain professional  >__>”

thats-rough-buddy said:

Name the artist

Of course not!!!  That would just give it away from what sort of NSFWE art they do, and also invite you to think every unlabelled commission was mine, which - while embarrassing - would also cause people to credit me for ones that WEREN’T my commission, which would be reprehensible.  :P

Plus, I wouldn’t want people looking it up unless they knew what they were getting into.  It’s, y’know.  NSFWEstuff(definition credit to MXRP formerly msparp), really big kink(s).  And I wouldn’t link it here explicitly because I really wanna pull my metaphorical pants down THAT far for the casual observer, even if it were just in a sideblog linked on my hotbar.  If y’all have to DIG a bit, or care enough following me to want to glance down at tags (regarding whatever the first commission was that got done and prompted me posting about it), that’s enough of a degree of separation.  I feel like, anyway.
