#yes this exactly





*screencap of a tiktok by @sarahinyellow featuring a lightskinned person sitting at their laptop with a bag of potato chips and a bottle of diet coke*

“diet culture will demonize any food that isn’t “clean” but EVERY food can have a benefit for you

Diet Coke is somehow the only thing that stops my migraines, and it reminds me of my best friend. Cape Cod potato chips are my go to salty snack and I live 10 minutes from the factory, so they make me feel cool.

Food is more than fuel. It’s memories and satisfaction and tradition and home and culture.

There’s nothing evil about that.”



Sometimes I wonder what has kept me in fandom spaces–for apparently a decade now–when people ask me why I put up with various dramatics and shitty people, and I feel like a lot of it is attributed to the one fandom that I am consistently active (and will literally be the only fandom that I’m active in).

I feel like I have met so many kind and wonderful people through the RA fandom. Sure I’ve met a fair amount of bad apples, but the fact remains that this fandom seems to, at its core, care more about spreading joy rather then arguing about what’s canon/fanon or whatever that weeks debate is about. A lot of the people who were active when I first joined tumblr have gone by now or are only occasionally active, but in their place comes a new generation of people who care about the same, stupid fantasy series that I read when I was 11.

that’s what I love about fandom. maybe I deal with some annoying people every once and a while and maybe my energy would be better spent somewhere else, but this blog and fandom have grown with me for a damn decade. whether I like it or not, this fandom is apart of who I am and has had a hand in who I became.

so when someone asks me why I’m still involved in a fandom when I’m dealing with something upsetting or triggering for the 100th time, its not because I’m too stubborn or have no where else to go. it’s because i truely care about this fandom and the (majority) of people in it.

ps. a large part of how I view this fandom is because I have, now and in the past, curated heavily what I see. I’m not afraid of the block button, and I don’t feel obligated to follow someone just because they’re an RA blog.

find your corner, decorate it how YOU want it, and don’t let other people yuck your yum. prioritize yourself and your comfort.



to be honest there has never been a fictional character i’ve actually wanted to date. like. i want them to date each other. i don’t want myself as a person to be involved in this scenario whatsoever. what would i add to this narratively? what’s my thematic purpose in the narrative? immersion breaking. 

#im the director bitch not the actor

don’t hide this in the tags that’s exactly it


“why cant two guys just be friends” @ byler is the dumbest fucking take this show has a main cast of like 10 friends you’ll live if two of them are gay for each other


i like the idea of bandee idolizing kirby for a bit, then getting close to him and coming to realize that he’s a bit of a goof and also just a kid like them. subconsciously taking up the mantle of an older brother of sorts

anyway kirby crawls through the castle window and into bandee’s bed at 3 in the morning like . What if five nights at freddys is in my basement :(
