#yes ❤️



I love when people see 3,000 year old jewelry or a famous art piece and put it in their #want tag. Like, are you gonna rob a museum? Love you.


All the references to Homestuck in r/place 2022 (that I could find)

unfortunately the sollux, dave, and gamzee were eventually covered up, but the rest made it!


This reminded me of you” is such a tender sentence. Oh to have impacted someone so much that they find bits of your soul and hold the memory of you in things and places when you’re not around.


Can I just say that I liveforsubtle touches….hands swiping against each other, arms grazing, knees press against each other, cheeks brushing, “accidental” thigh swipes.  I just love the subtlety behind pushing comfort boundaries while both of yall pretend like you don’t notice. It’s really the simple things in life.
