#yj meta


Here’re my interpretations of the arc 6 watchlist:

Episodes: 4.14, 4.15, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21

Importance: Conner in the Phantom Zone

Episodes: 1.10, 1.11, 1.25

Importance: Early Supermartian moments that I think Conner will either hallucinate before he gets out of the Phantom Zone, or will appear in his memories if M'gann needs to go into his mind to de-brainwash him after the zone sickness/Zod/everyting.

Episodes: 3.3, 3.13, 3.14, 3.19, 3.20, 3.24, 3.26

Importance: All involve Violet and/or the Markovs. I don’t know how Markovia ties into the Conner plot, but it definitely seems like Violet will get more screentime. If they had a new rainbow power that worked as a Phantom Zone projector that would be very helpful /hj

Episodes: 1.19, 3.25, 4.9, 4.13, 4.21

Importance: Zatanna. She’s instigating the arc by bringing Dick the mystery (4.21). I also think that Artemis is going to learn that Zatanna and M'gann lied to her in Overwhelmed (3.25). The others on this list are a little harder to explain. If Doctor Fate is involved, that could explain the inclusion of 1.19, 4.9, and 4.13. It’s also true that 1.19 is a big episode for Captain Marvel, and 4.13 has the after-credits scene of Mary going dark, but I seriously doubt that that is going to be addressed this season. There are just too many other things going on.

Episodes: 1.10, 1.25, 4.8

Importance: I know a lot of people want to read into these that Jade and the League of Assassins and maybe even Jason and Damian are going to make an appearance. Me included. But I don’t see it happening. As I said above, I think the season one episodes are there for their Supermartian B plots. 4.8 includes the scenes with Jon and Clark reacting to Conner’s death. If the League was going to show up, all four episodes of Artemis’s arc would probably be on the list, not just one.

Episode: Performance

Importance: Dick-centric episode for the Dick-centric arc. If you show me Flying Grayson flashbacks I swear I will cry.

Episode: Independence Day

Importance: Remember when the team released Superboy and he attacked them because of the brainwashing? I sure hope nothing like that happens again . I just want to see the founding members of the team together again.

I ⚡ can’t wait ⚡ to see ⚡ how everything ⚡ works ⚡ out ⚡⚡⚡
