#yn mccall


Based off episode 3x03 “Fireflies”

“Stiles,” yn rolled her eyes when her boyfriend didn’t even so much as glance in her direction, “Stiles!” He turned to look at her.

“It’s Lydia, said it’s urgent- we need to go. Like, right now.” y/n stressed the issue walking backwards towards the door in order to rush him.

With a hop in his step, Stiles followed behind her easily.

“Don’t worry about Scott and Derek, they’ll be alive for at least 20 more minutes before they track down Boyd and the other one.” Peter smirked as they began to leave.

“Yeah, well, thank you so much for your input- it’s appreciated, really.” y/n sassed, “I’ll file it away for future consideration.” She finished, slamming the door to Derek’s loft as they hurried down the hallway.

“You okay?” Stiles asked, trying to keep up with her as she walked much faster- rage fueling her.

“I just can’t wait for this night to be over.”


“Lydia?” y/n called as she got out of the jeep before it even came to a complete stop, running through the gates to get to her friend, “Lydia? Are you okay?” y/n’s voice softened as she got closer to Lydia’s shaking figure.

“I’m okay,” Lydia nodded, still not moving an inch, “that right there, not okay.”

Following Lydia’s pointed finger, both y/n and Stiles’ eyes landed on what had caused Lydia to go numb, a dead body. All of his blood spread over the pool deck.

“Yeah, alright, I’m gonna call my dad.” Stiles sighed as y/n reached forward to grab Lydia’s hand in hers. The strawberry blonde glanced down to y/n squeezing her hand softly, then moved her eyes up to the girl’s face- offering a small smile as gratitude.

“I already called 911.” Lydia directed her comment at Stiles to stop him from calling his dad.

The annoyed boy dropped his hands to his side in defeat, “You called the police before you called me?” He interrogated.

y/n dropped Lydia’s hand so they could both turn and look at him. Lydia’s face held confusion while y/n’s mirrored Stiles’ as annoyance. Although she was annoyed at him, while he was annoyed at Lydia.

“I’m supposed to call you first when I found a dead body?”

“YES!” Stiles yelled dramatically, while y/n shook her head at the same time. Contradicting her boyfriend and assuring Lydia that she could ignore him as she turned to glare at him, warning him to take a chill pill.

“I’ll call Scott, let him know Boyd and the other girl have crossed over into this side of town.” y/n decided, the other two nodded in agreement.


“You know you guys didn’t have to follow me home.” Lydia pointed out as she opened the door to her bedroom and walked inside to sit down on her bed.

“Well,” y/n sighed, “we just wanted to make sure you got in okay.” She decided, satisfied with her justification. She stood slightly behind Stiles in the doorway.

“I had a police escort…” Lydia retorted.

Stiles just scoffed, “I know the inner workings of that force, alright? They’re not nearly as reliable as people think.”

Rolling her eyes, Lydia looked up at Stiles with amusement, “Well, you didn’t have to follow me into my room.”

“Well, I- uh,” Stiles looked back at y/n for help but proved herself useless as she just shrugged, “yeah uh, we don’t have an answer for that.”

“We’ll leave.” y/n finished as she went to grab Stiles’ arm and drag him out with her.

“Are you two really gonna leave without asking me the question that you’ve been dying to ask me?” Lydia’s stressed voice made them stop and turn back around. The couple shared a concerned glance, realizing there was no way Lydia was letting them leave until the were honest. y/n was the first to initiate.

y/n opened her mouth but Lydia cut her off before she could get a word out, “The answer is, I have no idea how I ended up finding that body. I didn’t even know where I was until I got out of the car.” She looked down disappointedly, the tension in the room strengthening.

“Yeah but the last time this happened…” y/n began as she walked inside the room towards Lydia.

“I know,” Lydia cut her friend off again as she lifted her head to make eye contact with y/n, “your uncle.” she stated towards the girl standing in front of her.

“Peter,” y/n whispered through a frustrated sigh, still accepting that she could even be remotely related to someone so ruthless and cruel.

“y/n.” Stiles said lightly to catch y/n’s attention, she turned around to listen.

“Your mom just asked us to meet her, at the hospital.”

She nodded, understanding that they had to leave.

“We’ll figure this out, Lydia.” She assured her friend before heading out the door with Stiles to their next destination of the night… which seemed like it was never going to end. Along with worrying about Scott and Derek, and now Lydia, she couldn’t begin to imagine what else her mom needed to add to this ongoing stress.


“Hey!” Stiles said as they approached Melissa at the front desk to the hospital, she smiled at her daughter and Stiles as she replied with a quick “Hi.”

“Over here,” she motioned for them both to follow her through the halls, “and if you tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to god, I will kill you both.”

y/n jokingly put her hands up as if to surrender while Stiles actually looked a little scared from the threat.

“Why do you want to show me a body that we’ve already seen?” Stiles asked her as Melissa pulled the tarp that was laying over the body away. y/n shivered, either from the cold or from the corpse in front of her she didn’t know- she just wrapped her arms around herself to possibly bring her some warmth.

“Because you haven’t seen everything. See this around his neck?” Melissa instructed as she pointed towards the wounds, “That’s a ligature mark, that means he was strangled with something like a chord, rope…” Melissa trailed off as y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, shifting her stance to get a better look.

“What kind of werewolf strangles someone?” y/n asked sarcastically.

“My thoughts exactly. Now look at this.” Melissa directed their gaze to the side of the kid’s head, to reveal a drill-sized hole on the right side behind the ear.

“God, man, what is that?” Stiles curled up in disgust, “Is that brain matter? Yeah it’s brain matter, of course.” He gulped to suppress the even grosser imagines infiltrating his head at the moment. y/n held back a smirk, knowing it wasn’t necessarily appropriate to laugh at his reaction in front of a dead body. She opted out for rubbing the side of his arm as he looked away.

“See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead.

“So then, this couldn’t have been Boyd or the other werewolf, you know? The wouldn’t have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder. Right? Maybe this is just a coincidence.” Stiles pointed out, offering up the scenario running through his head.

Melissa just shook her head and sighed, “I don’t think it was just one.”

“How come?”

“Because that girl over there, she’s got the exact same injuries.” They all turned to face the other corpse on an identical cold metal table.

Melissa walked over to unveil the body to y/n and Stiles, and began to explain this girl’s particular situation. “The M.E. said this one wasn’t just strangled. Who ever did this used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kinda keep twisting and…”

Halfway through Melissa’s explanation, Stiles had reached down and very softly grabbed y/n’s hand to comfort himself. Feeling the new contact, y/n looked up to him to see his eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Then she realized- this must have been Heather.

“Mom.” y/n haphazardly whispered to stop her mother.

“Oh my god did you know her?” Melissa quickly began to cover the body back up, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think.”

“I was-” Stiles paused to take a deep breath and catch a falling tear, “I was at her party, It was her birthday.” he explained staring a the ground, “Her name is Heather.” By the time he finished he was squeezing y/n’s hand excruciatingly tight, but she didn’t mind. Using her other hand to overlap their hands that were already intertwined and squeezing back, communicated that she had him. He got her message clearly.

“Okay Stiles we need to call your dad, you’re a witness.”

“Has anyone else been here tonight?” He asked ignoring Melissa’s original statement, “Any- any other bodies or anybody missing?”

“Two girls, they brought the first one in, Caitlin. For a tox screen, and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean they were out in the woods and-”

“Nobody’s found her yet?” Stiles interrupted.

“I don’t know.” Melissa shook her head.

“Stiles, what are you getting at?” y/n asked waiting for an explanation, wanting to know what’s going on in that extremely intelligent head of his.

“First one, Caitlin, is she here right now?” He ignored y/n and kept talking to Melissa, knowing y/n was just as smart and would get there eventually as they kept investigating.


“Okay, wait, wait just a minute-”

“I need to talk to her.” Stiles completed with such an intense sense of urgency Melissa had no choice but to take the two to the room in which Caitlin was staying.

“Why?” she asked anyway.

“Because I think I know what’s happening.


“We weren’t doing anything bad, I mean, I’ve camped out there plenty of times.” Caitlin explained to Stiles, Melissa and y/n.

“Right, but why tonight?” Stiles questioned the clearly traumatized girl, she wouldn’t even look at any of them as she talked about her missing girlfriend.

“We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roomates. Not exactly romantic settings, you know?”

“How long have you two been together.” Stiles asked as he crossed his arms, clearly trying to get specific information out of her.

“Three months.” She answered.

“And you wanted to make it romantic.”

“Yeah because, you know, it was…” Caitlin trailed off as her voice started to crack.

Stiles picked up where she left off, “Because it was her first time.”

Y/n looked up to examine her boyfriend after hearing what he had said, eyes widening as she finally understand why he need to talk to Caitlin- and why he had asked the questions he had been asking.

Like he had felt her gaze, Stiles turned to look at her too. Reluctantly smiling to confirm what she had been thinking, he grabbed her hand again- missing the comfort it had brought him as he went back to thinking about Heather.

Tears were now streaming down Caitlin’s face, “they’re gonna find her, aren’t they?”


y/n washed her hands in the bathroom before heading back into Stiles room. She found him sitting on his bed, staring at his hands as his right bounced uncontrollably. She stood against the door frame, watching him for a second, empathizing with him as he lost yet another person in his life.

“The other girl in the woods,” he spoke into the silence, “Emily. Eventually they’re gonna find her. She’s one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins, and they’re all going to have the same three injuries. Strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in… its called a threefold death.”

While he was talking y/n had moved to sit down next to him on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on his knee as he finished, “So if they aren’t random killings, what are they?” She whispered to him.

“Sacrifices. Human sacrifices.” He lifted his eyes to look her, noticing the bobbing of her throat as she gulped obviously. Both of them soaking in the intensity of the situation, along with the threat of an alpha pack still hiding out somewhere in Beacon Hills.

Before she could say anything her phone rang, she picked up the screen to look at the caller ID, Stiles felt her whole body tense on the bed.

“Who is it?” He asked her.

“It’s uh- It’s Derek.” She huffed, “I’m gonna step outside and take this.”

Once she had her back against the wall on the outside of Stiles’ room, she stared at the screen a little longer before answering. Dumbfounded by the fact that she actually felt some sort of- relief- that he was calling her. It meant he was safe.

“Hi.” She greeted.

“Uh, hey.” His voice hitched in his throat, obvious that he wasn’t expecting her to answer his call at all. Yet he was met with more silence, prompted he continue.

“So, the other werewolf tonight. She’s my… she’s our sister, Cora. I thought she had died in the fire but uh, she’s alive. I just thought you should know. I don’t want to keep any more secrets from you. And I wanted it to be me who told you.”

“Thank you,” she replied, knowing she really couldn’t be mad- she did appreciate that he called her and told her. She felt calm, for someone who had just found yet another long lost sibling of hers.

“Hey Derek,” she paused making sure he was still there, “I’m glad you’re alive.” She decided to say finally.

He knew she couldn’t see him, but he smiled anyway, “Are you okay?” He asked her in return.

y/n just laughed slightly, “I’m getting there.”

She pulled her phone away from her ear and ended the call, staying pressed up against the wall until she gathered enough courage to go back inside and tell Stiles the news. She looked down at her phone screen again, seeing that she had 8 missed calls from Deaton.


She forgot to tell him that she couldn’t meet him tonight. Sighing, she walked back inside to see Stiles had shifted from the edge of the bed, to his back propped up against the headboard. Seemingly waiting for her to come back, she walked immediately to sit opposite of him in the same position on the other side.

He just stared at her, waiting for her to talk. Knowing asking her was pushing too much.

“So, Cora, the other werewolf. Yeah she’s my sister.” She said straight-faced without even glancing in Stiles’ direction. He nodded his head and turned away from her in surprise.

“Wow.” he whispered. “You okay?”

She looked at him and smiled, loving his caring nature and grabbed his hand- staring into his beautiful golden eyes she replied- “Surprisingly, I’m fine. I really don’t think anything can surprise me anymore. After finding out I was adopted from a family of werewolves that couldn’t keep me because my dad was a powerful druid making me one also… I think I can handle a sister coming back from the dead.” They both laughed, letting all the weight on their shoulders fall off for the first time of that very long day.

Once the laughter died down, they just stayed smiling at each other for a few minutes, before y/n decided to lean in- not wanting to waste the first calm moment they’ve had together the whole week. He caught her lips in a subtle kiss as he leaned in to meet her halfway, instant relief at the comfort of her. The stress of that night seemed to fade away just in the very presence of her.

He let out an involuntary sigh as y/n pulled away, she giggled when she heard the noise he made and saw that his eyes were still closed- he was pouting.

“I should go.” She decided reluctantly, still holding his hand. But as she began to pull away he only gripped onto her tighter.

“Stay.” He whispered, so quiet that she barely heard it. But as she saw the very serious look in his eyes, she knew she wasn’t just hearing things.

“Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He stared at her desperately, afraid she would say no.

y/n returned to her spot on the bed, this time positioned on her knees so she could be right up close to him. Placing the palms of her hands on each side of his face, she pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. “I’ll stay.” she whispered against his skin, feeling him instantly relax under her touch. She moved back so she could look down at his voice, and his eyes looked darker than before- maybe it was admiration for her, maybe it was more. Maybe he really needed her in more ways than one tonight.

Without saying a word and without letting his gaze fall from her eyes, he moved his hand under her knees and shifted her until she was straddling his lap. Once she was settled, he moved his hands to her waste, and gently moved his hands under the material of her shirt, letting his fingers brush against her warm and inviting skin. He couldn’t help but smirk when she shivered under his touch.

Her hands had now moved to the sides of his neck to keep herself steady sitting on top of him. She gulped slightly, all of this being completely new territory for her. She watched nervously and excitedly as Stiles sat up, pulling her closer to him until he had full access to her neck. He moved her hair over to one side, so that there was no barrier as he began to press soft and sweet kisses from the bottom of her jaw following all the way down to her collar bone- where he began to deepen the kisses causing her to let out a quiet moan.

y/n let her hands move through his hair, gripping tightly so she could pull him back up to reconnect with her lips in a hungry and passionate kiss. She easily granted his tongue permission as he begged for entrance. Their bodies could not be closer together as their lips moved in sync, moving her legs to be wrap completely around him.

She stopped him for second, placing her hand on his chest as her cue. He watched her in confusion, noticing the deep intensity sparkling in her eyes. Not breaking eye contact with Stiles once as she gripped the edge of her shirt, pulling the material completely over her head.

Stiles eyes now wider and hungrier than before, he placed his hands on her bare back before asking, “Are you sure?”

y/n nodded feverishly, “I want it to be you.” She said with the most sincerity she could muster.

He smiled at her, taking all of her in, every inch. He cupped the side of her face and slowly brought her down to him until their foreheads were touching the same way they were minutes prior. “Have I ever told you that I love you.” He said as his thumb rubbed over the skin on her cheek.

He watched as her smile widened, and took that as his cue to roll her over until she was on her back. He pressed his lips back to hers so they could continue where they left off, and the rest of the night was theirs.

Based off episode 3x02 “Chaos Rising”

Y/n started to realize that she would now be spending most of her nights under the dimness of the ‘after hours’ lights at the animal clinic with Deaton. She didn’t like it, but she didn’t not like it either. When she chose that she was going to learn how to use her powers instead of overcome them, it didn’t really feel like much of a choice at all.

Allison had taught her to fight- sure. And she was damn good now, too. She could fight, she could outsmart her opponents, and she was cunning. Like a hunter, as Chris Argent had pointed out to her when she broke Stiles out of their basement. Recently, she had been reluctantly accepting his statement as a compliment. But now that she had these “powers” she couldn’t help but feel obligated to use them. Maybe she would be more useful. If she let herself be honest, she didn’t want these powers at all- but she knew she would be letting the pack down if she didn’t use them.

Both Stiles and Scott were out to a party tonight. Stiles’ best friend from his childhood was turning 17, and she thought it was adorable how excited he was to see her after such a long separation. Stiles had invited his girlfriend along, but she had come up with the excuse of homework.

“Come on, Y/n, it’s a Saturday night and you’re going to do homework?” He nudged her side, teasing her.

“I know! I’m sorry, It’s just with me being in Denver this Summer I didn’t do any of the Summer reading that I was supposed to and- I’m really falling behind.” She gave him an overdramatic pouty face, which caused him to roll his eyes.

“Fine.” He said, placing his hands on her cheeks, “you’re forgiven, but only because you look so adorable rejecting me.”

She giggled at her boyfriend. Allowing him to press a short but sweet kiss to her lips before he and Scott headed out for the night

She felt awful. She felt like a hypocrite, keeping this secret from them. Of course, they were very aware of all of her “family” history and the powers she harbored because of that history. But, for some reason she couldn’t convince herself to tell them that she was going to let Deaton train her to use them. Maybe she was afraid that her brother and her friends wouldn’t want her to use them, or maybe that’s just how she was justifying it to herself for the moment. She needed to focus.

“Druids draw mostly from natural forces; the roots and dirt underneath the trees, drops of rain mid-air, fire in its most wild form. We are those of the supernatural most wise, holding most of knowledge. Known through generations because of our relationship with organic forces, astrology, healing, and divination.”

Y/n watched as Deaton’s hands hovered over various books, open to certain places and bottles of god knows what on the metal table.

“Are different druids in control of different or specific things?” She asked him, “Like what makes you considered a dark druid, a…” Y/n couldn’t quite remember the name that Deaton had given them.

“A darach” He finished for her, “Darachs still draw from the same natural forces, yes. But they become obsessed with the ability of holding power over the things in this world that stand on their own. Instead of drawing from the forces of the Earth, the drain the forces from the Earth into their veins- making them more powerful than any moral Druid would let themself.”

Y/n nodded, “ So, there’s just some kind of unspoken pact between all the past generations and the generations to follow, that you shouldn’t abuse these properties?” She clarified just to make sure she was understanding him.

“Precisely yes.”

“So, how do I learn how to use them to help?”

Deaton smiled, “Pick up the leaf that I have lying on the table, place it flat in your hand.

Y/n did as he requested, slowly and uncertainly. The slightly yellowed leaf felt cold against her palm as it lie there still, she stared at it unmovingly.

“From this leaf, you draw calmness and control. Different properties of nature belong to different traits of humankind. The roots of a tree will give you strength, pulling from water will give you the wisdom needed in times of desperation. You will begin to learn these rules with time, with trust in yourself and your abilities.

“Close your eyes, draw your mind to where your fears lie. This will come naturally to you, feeling the hidden natural properties. It doesn’t take practice, and you shouldn’t focus too much. The leaf will allow you to draw from it what you need, and you will be able to use what it has given you without any action needed to be taken.”

Y/n’s fingers instinctively began to curl around the outside of the small object, no longer cold but warm due to the contact of her skin. Following Deaton’s instructions- her mind wandered to the new underlying threat of the Alpha Pact making there way to Beacon Hills, one supposedly here already. Then, unconsciously, her slipped to a different fear. A much deeper, and more hidden one. Her brother- the one from the same blood. Her heart rate began to quicken as she was reminded of all the times she was deceived and betrayed, to the time when her self identity was lost from memory. She could feel a cold sweat break out on her forehead as she began to panic, then all of the sudden, she was breathing normally.

It was almost as if flashes of different emotions were flowing through her mind, giving her different scenarios of the same situation. She began to feel at ease, calm. It was like Hope itself was a person and was now the very embodiment of her.

She opened her eyes to Deaton, who possessed a very wide smile. Confused to why he looked so pleased, she glanced down to see that the beautifully yellowed leaf was now brown, curled up and dry. She allowed herself now to smile too, sighing in realization that it was her that had done this- she had drawn from the qualities that this leaf offered.

“Congratulations.” Deaton whispered almost, but before she could answer her phone began to vibrate from her back pocket, which she hurriedly rushed to get to the device.

“Allison, hey what’s up?”  She answered to her best friend.

“Y/n, where are you currently?” Y/n could hear the urgency in her friend’s voice and it worried her.

“Uh, I’m uh- I’m just at home right now why?”

“That girl from earlier at school, when she grabbed Lydia and I she left some sort of- message on our arms I guess. I’m really not sure it’s so hard to explain, can we come pick you up? I need to show this to Scott.”

“Pick me up? Uh, how about I just drive to you? I’ll meet you at Lydia’s house in 10, okay? Okay, bye.” y/n quickly placed her phone back in her pocket as she simultaneously placed the drained leaf back on the table, she had still been holding it.

“Thank you.” She nodded to Deaton with the most sincerity for his willingness to help her, and then she left.


“It kind of just looks like a really sick tattoo.” y/n commented as Lydia and Allison held there forearms together to demonstrate what Allison had haphazardly described over the phone.

Lydia visibly rolled her eyes at y/n. “Well, I would rather it not be there at all, little miss aggressive should’ve given me a warning before she decided to drag me into her collateral damage.”

“I just want to know if Scott’s seen it before.” Allison sighed, not in the light-hearted joking mood.

“What if he hasn’t it, if Scott doesn’t know what it is, what’s the next move?” y/n crossed her arms as she leaned back onto the leather seats.

“Actually…” Allison sort of grimaced her way through the words as she glanced at y/n in the rearview mirror, “I was thinking if Scott doesn’t know, there’s only one other per-”

“Nope.” y/n cut Allison off mid-sentence, fully aware that she was talking about Derek. “At least I’m not talking to him about it.”

“I might need you-”


“He’s not going to talk to me or Lydia about it and you know-”

“I said no.” y/n sat up and pushed herself between Lydia and Allison.

“What if we have no other choice?” Allison looked at her pointedly, desperately.

“Fine.” y/n groaned in defeat, falling back when Allison parked the car in front of Heather’s house.


They waited patiently outside the house for a few minutes after Allison had sent Scott a text to meet them outside. When the door opened to reveal her brother, he looked extremely out of place when he saw not only Allison- but Lydia and his sister standing in front of him.

“This isn’t the talk we were gonna have is it?” Scott asked, talking only to Allison- as she shook her head to answer his question.


“I don’t see anything.” Derek sighed, obviously frustrated as her stared at both Allison and Lydia’s matching bruises.

“Look again.” Scott pleaded.

y/n sat on top of a desk near the back of the classroom she occupied with her friends and Derek. She hadn’t said anything yet, clearly still set on ignoring Derek for the rest of her life. Stiles stood next to her sitting figure, watching intently the scene in front of them as well.

“How is a bruise going to tell me where Boyd and Erica are?” Derek almost accusingly asked Scott.

“They’re the same on both sides,” Scott’s eyes widened in disbelief, “exactly the same!”

“It’s nothing.” Derek dismissed the entire situation.

“Pareidolia,” Lydia mentioned out of the blue, gaining the attention of everyone in the room, “ seeing patterns that aren’t there. It’s a subset of apophenia.” Lydia added, as if that made what she said any clearer.

y/n shook her head and pushed her feet onto the floor so that she was now standing, taking a few steps towards Scott and Derek, “They’re trying to help.” she snapped.

“These two?” Derek finally acknowledged her existence, “This one,” he pointed at Lydia, “who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you. And this one,” he moved to Allison, “who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack.”

“Okay, all right now, hold on,” Stiles walked in front of Derek and the girls, “No one died. All right? Look there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That’s what I call an important distinction.” Stiles finished rather proudly, thinking her had actually helped. y/n however, needed to rub her forehead to cure her headache from all the tension in the room and her dumbass boyfriend.

“My mother died.” Allison shot back at Derek.

“You family’s little honor code killed your mother. Not me.” Derek corrected, y/n swore she was about to punch him.

“That girl was looking for Scott,” Allison redirected the conversation, “I’m here to help him, not you.”

“Okay, what would a pack of alphas want with Erica and Boyd?” y/n questioned their current situation, they all stood deep in thought.

“I’m not sure it’s them they want.” Scott turned towards her.


“She’s missing?” y/n reiterated as she sat on a bench beside stiles in the front courtyard of their school.

“Yeah, my dad just walked into my class and pulled me out to tell me.” Stiles told her, elbows on his knees as her bounced his leg up in down, his anxiety getting the best of him- not even having a guess as to where Heather could be.

“Stiles, I’m sorry-” y/n couldn’t think of anything else to say, realistically she knew there was nothing she could say right now that would comfort him. So instead she opted out for reaching out and grabbing his hand in hers. His long fingers intertwining with hers, he squeezed her hand back to communicate that he appreciated her gesture, and it did help his leg stop bouncing.

“Thank you.” he sighed giving her a small smiled, y/n responding by leaning her head on his shoulder, not planning on leaving this position for as long as they could bear it.


The pack had desperately found their way back to the animal clinic, with Isaac and Derek as the search continued for Boyd and Erica- now Heather, as Stiles thought maybe the alpha pack had kidnapped her too with the intention of turning her.

“Obviously, it’s not going to be particularly… comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you’ll slip into a trance like state.” Deaton explained to Isaac, who nervously stared at the ice filled metal tub.

“Like being hypnotized.” y/ clarified with Deaton, to reassure Isaac.

“Exactly. You’ll be half transformed. It’ll let us access your subconscious mind.”

“How slow does his heart rate need to be.” Scott asked, concern for his friend making him doubt this idea all together.

“Very slow. Nearly dead.”

The air in the room felt almost as called as what y/n would assume the water in the tub to feel like, as all of them worried for the safety of Isaac. The heavy air in the room being lifted as Stiles felt the need to slip on one of the medical gloves, causing everyone in the room the look up at him- judging his unnecessary noise making in such a serious situation. y/n couldn’t believe him, sometimes.

“Jesus christ” she whispered.

“What?” Stiles complained, as he noticed he held all the attention in the room.

Before he could do anything else y/n stormed over to him, she grabbed hi wrist and ripped the glove off of his hand. She threw it onto the table then took a moment to look at him, mustering as much tenacity as she could in her eyes so that he knew he was being an idiot. After a few seconds, y/n decided to whack him on the arm before turning back to Isaac and the others. He silently followed behind, now holding his forearm from the unwanted violence.

“Y/n, being his anchor, I’m going to need you to be ready to pull him out if his heart rate becomes too dangerous for us to continue.” She and Isaac glanced at other for what seemed like the first time since their last encounter, she still remembered how hurt he looked when he encouraged her to leave him to go look for Stiles. Knowing that in the process she was choosing Stiles.

“Yeah, okay.” y/n addressed Deaton as she shared a small smile with Isaac. She also glanced behind her to look at Stiles, his eyes had softened. He gave her a slight nod, as if letting her know she needed to do this and he was okay with it. She could tell he wasn’t a big fan of the situation though.


“You don’t remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?” y/n asked cautiously as Deaton wrapped a towel around Isaac’s shivering body.

“No.” he said honestly.

“You said that when the captured you they dragged you into a room and there was a body in it.” Stiles stepped forward beside y/n, who was kneeling down in front of Isaac.

“What body?” he seemed panicked.

“Erica” y/n whispered, “you said it was Erica.”

“She’s not dead.” Derek stated in denial.

“Derek, he said, ‘there’s a body, it’s Erica’ doesn’t exactly leave us much room for interpretation.” Stiles sassed back at the sour wolf.

“Then who was in the vault with Boyd?”

“Someone else, obviously.” Stiles crossed his arm to emphasize his comment.

“Maybe it was the girl that saved Isaac.” y/n suggested, standing back up to look at Derek.

“No she wasn’t like us, but whoever was in the vault is.” Isaac added.

“First National Bank, huh, we’re getting them back tonight.” And so it was decided.


“Okay, you see this? It took them about 12 hours to drill through this wall, which is stone, by the way. Then throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the rest of the cash back up to the guys on the roof through that one little shaft thing. Boom.” Stiles explained in front of some blueprints that had been laid out on a table in Derek’s loft.

“I’ll go in first, how much space do I have?” Derek asked as Stiles stared at him in disbelief.

“What- what are you gonna do Derek are you gonna punch through the wall?”

“Yes, Stiles, I’m gonna punch through the wall.” Derek smiled sarcastically at the skinny boy.

“Okay, okay, big guy. Let’s see it. Let’s see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don’t be scared. Big, bad wolf, yeah, look at that. Okay, see this? That’s maybe 3 inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co-” Before Stiles could finish making his extremely exhausted point to Derek, Derek had taken matters into his own hands. And to shut Stiles up, used the fist he had made to punch Stiles hand down until it collided into the metal surface of the table.

“auuhUUHUh.” Stiles made the most absurd nice y/ had ever heard before turning to walk away from Derek.

“He can do it.” He squealed.

“Asshole.” y/n whispered to Derek as she went to go check on the rather dramatic, and bruised, Stiles.

“I’ll head down with you.” Scott decided, looking at Derek for a reaction.

“I’m not going to make you-”

“I don’t know about Erica,” Scott cut him off, “but if Boyd is still alive, we have to try and save him- and whoever else is down there with him.

“I’m coming too.” y/n interjected.

“No.” Derek turned to look at her, sternly holding her gaze as she lifted her eyebrows.

“I’m sorry,” she quipped, “but I’m not really taking orders from you at the moment.” Her voice grew louder and she moved close to Derek with every step that she could, maybe subconsciously looking to pick a fight with him- before Scott got to her first and pushed her back.

“This isn’t your fight y/n.” Scott told her kindly. She was going to argue but he started talking again before she could, “As much you would probably help, we need to be in and out of there.” Not in the mood to push further, y/n just nodded her head and pulled her brother in for a hug.

“Be careful.” She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I will.” He answered, squeezing back into her.

Derek watched the interaction between them, staring down from the intimate moment, ignoring the jealousy he felt from watching the bond they had. Once he could possibly have if he hadn’t screwed everything up between them. Almost as if y/n noticed Derek’s reaction, however, she made sure to catch his eyes before nodding towards him and saying, “ you too.”

He returned the nod.


“I can’t take waiting around like this, you know? It’s nerve racking. My nerves are racked. They’re severely racked. Racked.”

“I could beat you unconscious and then wake you when it’s over” Peter sneered from his place on the coach.

“You think Erica is really dead?” y/n ignored the both of them, Stiles looked at her sympathetically.

“You think I really care?” Peter once again, filled everyone with disappointment.

“Listen why don’t you shut your useless-”

“That’s no way to talk to your uncle.” Peter smirked at y/n as he interrupted her little outburst.

“Don’t.” Her voice was calm, eerily calm. “You are not my family, so don’t ever call yourself my uncle again.”

Stiles put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, he could feel her entire body shaking with anger. She placed her hand atop of his.

“What are the walls made of?” Peter suddenly asked, ignoring the hurt in his chest from y/n’s feelings towards him.

“Hang on, let me pull the description up.” Stiles worked on the laptop as Peter made his way over to stand beside him.

“Hecatolite.” Peter mumbled the name of the material.

“Is that awful? It sounds awful.” Stiles added.

“Get them on the phone, call them. Now!” Peter rushed Stiles, making y/n panic and regret that she didn’t go with to help them. Maybe she could’ve anyway, with her new found powers and all.

“Okay, why?”

“Because Boyd and that girl aren’t going to kill each other, they’re going to kill Derek and Scott.”

Y/n and Stiles shared the same look of terror with each other, y/n suddenly scared that she wasn’t going to see her brother again any time soon… either of them.
