#ynn phil


Phil’s manga absence: A Summary

Everyone, it is with a joyful heart that I can finally make this post.

Chapter 100: aka the last appearance Phil made in the manga. 

Until now.

Tomorrow, Chapter 175 will release, marking Phil’s long-awaited return!

The 100th chapter of The Promised Neverland was officially released on August 23rd, 2018. It was 175 days after this that I decided to make this sideblog, originally intended as a joke but also to spread the love for Phil. 
Since then, you’ve all shown incredible amounts of love for this blog! And I want to express how grateful I am that we could all wait together for the 422 days since I began this countdown! 

Now, for the numbers:

Although spoilers have been leaked, tomorrow marks the official release of Chapter 175 on April 11th, 2020.

Phil’s hiatus in chapters: 75 chapters

Phil’s hiatus in terms of real-time: 1 year, 7 months, 19 days (or 19 months, 19 days)

Total days without Phil: 597 days

(Extra calculations: 14,328 hours/ 859,680 minutes/51,580,800 seconds)

That being said, it’s incredible to see how Shirai has woven the story’s plot together over these past 75 chapters, and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to seeing where things will go from here on out. Phil’s re-appearance was worth the wait, and I’m sure that his reunion scene will be perfectly beautiful~ After all of the hardships he and Emma have endured, it’ll be so emotionally gripping to see him reunite with the other Gracefield children! 

I’ll still keep this blog active to post about Phil (which I’ve been more active on than my main TPN account), for anyone who is still seeking Phil content. The final countdown post has been made– Which after almost two years, feels so strange yet relieving to say.

Conclusion: Phil is safe and alive, and here’s to hoping the manga will end that way! 

Welcome back Phil, we’ve all missed you.
