#yo follow them they have good art



Bun’s Art Blog Master Post

Hello, and thank you for checking out my blog! Just a few things here that I’d like to mention:

Currently, I post twice a day on Mon-Fri, at 9 am and 2 pm (central us time). I have a backlog of art sitting in folders to be queued.

(I used to post infrequently on my art twitter, so some pieces will be cross posted from there. The art I’m posting isnt dated, and will be from anywhere between 2018-today.)

I only post once on Saturday and Sunday at 12pm (central us time) and eventually when the backlog starts to thin out, I’ll switch to posting once a day.

I dont have any rules for following me, but I am in my mid 20’s, so if that makes any minors uncomfortable you dont have to follow me. However I do not allow any bigots on my blog, such as racists, homophobes, transphobes, terfs, any of that.

My main blog is @bunthebun, if youd also like to see what I do over there. It’s just a bunch of reblogs and my comments in the tags. As noted in my mains decription, I am nonbinary, but my pronouns are whatever.

Feel free to make requests! They may not get answered, depending on the topic. Also, I’ll never pass up any questions about my ocs. Fanart is also fine! Just be sure to tag me so I see it! c:

Also no reposting, with or without credit. If I catch my art being reposted somewhere I will metaphorically hunt the you down and massage your head with a bat.

My tags, under the read more if anyone is interested:

Keep reading
