#yoi fanfic rec


about this blog!

i made a page on my blog on desktop, but ik a lot of people exclusively use tumblr mobile so i figured it would be helpful to just post this.

general overview:

hi! i created this blog when i was months into a yoi fic reading craze and was running out of resources and noticed that there aren’t many surviving yuri on ice fic rec blogs.

some answers to questions you might have:

how often do you post?

i post a list of fic recs monthly and i am also working on themed rec lists and answering requests, so i post every few weeks generally. in the time between recs, feel free to look through my bookmarks on ao3! i cannot guarantee that all of them are good but i enjoy them so you might too :)

do you take requests?

yes! if you have any specific tropes you want or if you want help finding a fic, please send in an ask.

do you accept submissions or recommendations?

yes! please feel free to send in any recommendations that you have. if it takes me a while to post it, it’s probably because i haven’t had time to read it and want to do so before posting it.

how long will it take for my request/ask to be posted?

it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. i’m trying to be thorough and give you the best recs possible, so it can take a bit of time to find fics, read them, and make the posts. i’m also a full time student and i work, so i’m very busy. please be patient and i will get to your request as soon as possible!

what ships/requests do you post about?

i mostly post victor x yuuri, but you may occasionally see me post mila x sara fics, as well as fics with other ships in the background. please don’t request any otayuri fics, as i don’t read those and won’t be able to help you. i will not rec any fics with yuri x yuuri or yuri x victor. i also don’t take requests for fics that are primarily smut, but will include those that have some smut mixed in (however, feel free to submit any of those you like as a rec and I will post it).

about me <3

i’m eleanor! i’ve been a fan of yuri!!! on ice since it came out, but i didn’t get super involved in the fandom until 2020. my main blog is @sapphicgirlboss and my yoi sideblog is @puppymakkachin
