#yoon jaehyuk


Treasure and their Hogwarts houses (part 1)

(just a little note for everyone, my Hogwarts knowledge is very limited. If there is anything wrong or doesn’t make sense at all, please do let me know, and I will try to fix it. And also please remember, these are just my perspective and my own opinion on these, so please don’t take them too seriously)

1. Hyunsuk - Hufflepuff

Hufflepuff head boy, he might look attempting at first, but this kid is nothing else but loving - caring, and the sweetest thing that exists in this world, got house points awarded for standing up to his housemates

muggle-born | 7th year | 11" maple, kelpie hair

2. Jihoon - Slytherin

a chaotic kid, professors’ worst nightmare, put pranks on everyone that he knows, Slytherin’s quidditch captain

pureblood | 6th year | 12½" ash, basilisk horn

3. Yoshi - Hufflepuff

a literal angel, gets full marks in Herbology class every time without even revision but spaced out most of the time in History of Magic, arriving late to the Start-of-Term Feast due to oversleeping

half-blood | 6th year | 10¾" rosewood, thestral tail hair

4. Junkyu - Gryffindor

another chaotic and clumsy kid with uncontrollable positive energy, the person who helps Yoshi a lot during History of Magic, holds a debate on any topic given with Ravenclaw’s students in the Great Hall in his free time

pureblood | 6th year | 10" willow, unicorn hair

5. Mashiho - Slytherin

top student in Flying Class, seeker of Slytherin’s quidditch team, other people were shaken to their cores when he was announced to be in Slytherin (like look at him?? HOW???), but The Sorting Hat definitely saw something unique and potential in this kid

half-blood | 5th year | 12¼" sycamore, phoenix feather

6. Jaehyuk - Gryffindor

joking around with Jeongwoo and Asahi a lot, once using all of his Knut buying Chocolate Frogs just to pull off that rare Harry Potter card, putting the wrong potion in the cauldron once and got the whole class evacuated for the next 2 days

muggle-born | 5th year | 10½" alder, dragon heartstring

Twitter update from Junkyu, Jaehyuk, Haruto, and Jeongwoo
