#yoongi strangers to lovers



Dating advice | Part three


Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.

Pairing: Yoongi x reader

Genre: fluff; angst; smut

Word count: 1.8k

Warnings: Drinking, low self esteem, eventual smut, I think that’s all for this chapter.

Authors Note:I hope you’re enjoying so far, here’s another part! 

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Jimin’s going to be fuming. He might possibly kill you. But he’s not going to find out, so it’s going to be fine, you reason as you push the pub door open. He knows of this place only because you mentioned it once, but he doesn’t know Priya or Yoongi, they hardly know you and certainly don’t know Jimin, so it’ll be fine, he’ll never know you came here straight after your first date and spoke to these near strangers rather than to him. Plus, you were walking this way home, saw the lights on and thought it would be rude not to come in. It’s nothing to do with Jimin and it’s not like you won’t call him. As soon as you get home you’ll be on the phone to him. He’ll hear all the details and he doesn’t need to know he’s not the first to hear them. He –


Your eyes dart to the level voice, dark steady eyes gaze back. Your lips curl before you let out a small ‘yep’. You’ve always wanted to be a regular somewhere, always imagined it would be a coffee shop rather than somewhere serving alcohol, but you can’t help but feel like you’ve ticked something off  an imaginary list of life goals by Yoongi knowing your order without you having to tell him.

You watch as he picks up a pint glass, can’t help but watch his arms as he pulls the tap. It’s a sight you’ll never tire of.

“You know, I realised, I don’t actually know your name.”

Keep reading


Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.

Pairing: Yoongi x reader

Genre: fluff; angst; smut

Word count: 2.1k

Warnings: Drinking, low self esteem, eventual smut, I think that’s all for this chapter.

Authors Note: Part two is here! 

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You’re buzzing as you walk into the pub. It’s been a little over a week since you were last here. You went away and thought about everything they said, talked to your best friend like Priya suggested. He helped set up you up on a dating page, he was actually a tad annoyed you hadn’t come to him sooner, but that was Jimin all over, given half a chance he’ll be annoyed at anything. You’d selected five good pictures, drafted a bio that Jimin had swiftly ‘edited’ aka deleted and rewrote.

You were nervous before but that was nothing compared to the feeling of pressing submit. Fully putting yourself out there to be judged in whatever capacity that might be. You were happy with how you were portraying yourself but that didn’t mean anyone else would agree. You might have no matches, or you could get a handful, all of them not people you would date. Or you could match with someone great and then have to talk to them and potentially meet and that was possibly the scariest outcome.

It’s the joys of dating, Jimin said, it’s scary and awkward but it’s all worth it when you meet someone you like. How is that ever going to happen if you just sit in your flat day and night? Plus, it’s not like you have to actually date every person you match with, you don’t even have to message all of them – though you haveto message some, he emphasised knowing you’d easily use his words against him in the future.

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Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.

Pairing: Yoongi x reader

Genre: fluff; angst; smut

Word count: 2.4k

Warnings:Drinking, low self esteem, eventual smut, I think that’s all for this chapter.

Authors Note: Here’s part one! I hope you enjoy :)

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“You’re a man.”

“A keen observation.”

“What do men look for in women?” You say the words as if he hasn’t spoken, eyes firmly on him as if his face may also hold answers you don’t want to miss.

He looks a little taken aback by the question but recovers quickly. You’re not really surprised, you have only just entered this place, don’t even know this man’s name let alone him. It’s not a question you’d normally ask a stranger, in fact, it’s not a question you’d ask anyone but it’s been playing on your mind so much recently that you can’t help but ask.

The cold glass of cider the man poured you a few moments ago is between your fingers. You fiddle with the beads of water perpetrating on the glass waiting for an answer.

“I don’t think there’s just one thing.”

You sigh, deflate in disappointment, eyes falling away from the man as if he’s a lost cause, as if he was really going to give you the answer to a near impossible question. What had you really expected? The answer to life itself? Some simple answer that would solve all your troubles? No, you knew the answer, and yet hearing it said so plainly doesn’t help.

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↳ Index [Chapter 01 - Oolong]

Warnings: short mentions of car accidents & memory loss but it’s nothing major, a lil bit of creepiness but again nothing major


a/n: and so it begins, one of the softest, most comforting stories i have ever written :(


Three years ago you were living a different life. You have no memory of this life, but you were told that you were.

You were living in the big city, where people didn’t know you and millions of stories lived out collectively at the same place and the same time. You had a job at one of Korea’s biggest banks, something along the lines of director of finances. At least that’s what they told you in the hospital.

You had a big apartment, so big that your mouth fell open when you returned to it once your rehab was over.

You also had lots of friends, so you were told, but in the countless months you spent in the hospital just two of them visited you. Strange for someone with supposedly dozens and dozens of friends. At least with the memory loss you didn’t feel heartbroken about the fact that the majority of them didn’t want to see you. You couldn’t really blame them either. You can’t even imagine how you would have reacted if you had gotten a call that your friend was in a car accident and that the chances of survival were at twenty percent. You did however survive, waking up after two months in a coma, totally confused and unable to remember your own name.

Walking was hard at first, actually, everything was hard at first. Your fingers weren’t used to holding things anymore and even breathing was hard on some days.

But with time and the loving care of your nurses, you learned to be human again. The doctors called you a miracle and that you must have been given a second chance by the universe.

And so you took that second chance and decided to leave your past life behind. You left the big city to instead move into the little cottage on the countryside, which your grandparents had apparently left you. You quit your job, knowing fully well they wouldn’t have taken you back either way and with just the essentials stuffed into a little moving van started the journey to your new life just one month after being released.

Keep reading

Sometimes I wish we can have this kind of courage to just up and leave ➡️ start anew and have no regrets. Having no memories or attachment to a lifestyle or possessions must be so freeing too. The opening reminds me of that scene in Beauty & the Beast (the “provincial life” with all the other townsfolk appearing) and I find that part really charming. The whole small town vibes feel comforting? But, a part of me is thinking Yoongi actually knew her from before hence the frozen and shocked moment when he got to see her. Will be keeping tabs of this series to see how their relationship unfolds. =) 
