#yooooo this is my jam



The Digimon Adventure and What We Do in the Shadows Crossover No One Asked For…

But I felt compelled to write anyways!

Disclaimers: These crossover headcanons are based off the WWDITS television series, not the movie.

The Main Cast:

  • The main vampire trio consists of Takeru and Hikari, who have been married for several centuries, and Daisuke, and they all live together in an abandoned apartment complex in Odaiba. Takeru’s skill is teleportation. Hikari’s skill is mind control. Daisuke’s skill is pyrokinesis.
  • They don’t attack humans to suck their blood. They steal blood from the hospital instead.
  • Daisuke is interested in human food, and although he knows it will make him sick, he “must try the ramen.” Takeru likes to measure how far his projectile vomiting launches him. The furthest is 218 meters.
  • Takeru has authored thousands of books under pen names over the years. Shakespeare? Nope, Takeru. Austen? Nope, Takeru. The Bronte sisters? All Takeru. 
  • Before the camera was invented, Hikari was an avid portrait painter, but now she never leaves home at night without her Nikon (always set to flash, of course). She likes to capture candids of humans doing the most mundane things and has an entire room devoted to her pictures. Takeru is her other favorite muse.
  • Yes, they all scream “bat” before turning into a bat. Yes, they all hiss at each other like cats at the most minor inconvenience. 
  • Daisuke’s familiar, Ken, is very prominent in their lives (AKA ensures their survival) and is often the sole brain cell of the group. His deepest desire is to become a vampire, and while Daisuke has promised to turn him someday, is reluctant to do so for reasons he doesn’t quite understand (AKA he loves Ken too much to subject him to the horrors of vampirism). 
  • Ken’s favorite memories of being a familiar are the nights where Daisuke will pick him up and fly around the city. 
  • Iori, an energy vampire, also lives with them, though at the beginning, he kept mostly to himself since he didn’t like Ken. Over time, Iori warms up to the human and becomes incredibly close with Takeru, who views him as a little brother. Iori works at a private law firm because although he enjoys draining clients of their energy, he likes helping them just as much.
  • Miyako is the newest vampire to their home. Hikari saved her from dying (while on a donated blood supply run at the local hospital) by turning her. Miyako is not the best at being a vampire (AKA she’s not the most inconspicuous), but is learning from Hikari and her new housemates. 

Supporting Characters:

  • Taichi was turned into a vampire at the same time as Hikari, but he’s a leader on the vampire council and is often travelling for work. 
  • Yamato was turned into a werewolf, and although his pack hates vampires, he still carries a soft spot for his baby brother. Takeru also loves his “mutt” of a big brother. When they annoy each other, Takeru hisses and Yamato growls.
  • Koushiro is the local necromancer, who carries out spells, rituals, and potions. 
  • Sora, Mimi, and Jou are three humans who’ve banded together to create a vampire hunter club. Sora and Mimi were good friends with Miyako and have suspicions about her seemingly miraculous recovery (that and the fact that they came into her hospital room one evening and she was floating off her bed). Jou is a doctor, who is not only confused about the Miyako situation, but is convinced that blood is being stolen from the hospital’s supply. 
  • Ken pretends to befriend them but serves as a double agent, ensuring that the vampire hunters stay away from his vampires. 