#yoruichis zanpakuto


This is part 12 on the app 2/2 (chapter 11 continued)

Somewhere in Seireitei.

A facility catering exclusively to nobles, located in the basement level of a certain hidden domain of Seireitei.

In this facility which has become a data collection center under the direct control of the Visuals Department, image observation data on various locations is accumulated and stored, not only from the Seireitei, but also throughout the entirety of the Human World and in recent years, even as far as some parts of Hueco Mundo.

Within the passageway travelling between ground level and basement level which led to said facility, the very man Kurotsuchi Mayuri had named, deliberately gave a slight shake of his head at the individuals who were blocking the path before him.

“The fun was just about to begin. I didn’t quite expect you’d come hindering me at this opportune moment.”

Although Tokinada spoke in a manner that seemed to indicate a sincere disappointment, an ecstatic smile which couldn’t be contained revealed itself in his eyes.

“So then? What in the world is this all about? I guess I’m a little slow on the uptake… I want an explanation.”

Standing before his eyes was petite Shinigami clad in a captains’ Haori, and stationed behind her, a platoon dressed completely in black —— all were members of the first branch of the Onmitsukidō known as “Keigun” (Punishment Force).

“…Tsunayashiro Tokinada sama. We have obtained intelligence regarding individuals who conspire to assassinate you. Until we eliminate this threat, we urge you to enter our protection.”

“Oh my, so that’s how it is, I didn’t see that coming.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Tokinada continues to speak as an indignant smile emerged on his face.

“That sort of back-door approach is Kyōraku’s way of doing things huh. It appears that he still cannot lay the groundwork to drag me down from my position as clan head. Did he dispatch you in order to momentarily stall for time, knowing that I have beaten him to the punch?”

“With respect, I don’t understand the implications behind what you are saying.”

“On the contrary, I expect you understand already don’t you? You can stop with the ill-conceived smoke and mirrors, 9th generation Fēng family. Furthermore, it’s obvious that you’re practically forcing yourself to use honorifics you know? Don’t you think this superficial respect suits poorly with the Onmitsukidō.”

“You must be pulling my leg.”

Though Tokinada had spewed words of provocation, Soifon’s countenance didn’t flinch in the slightest.

Perhaps that roused his interest further; the man who was a leader among the four great noble clans, continued to toy with the lesser noble who existed as part of a family of assassins.

"Among your elder brothers, two died running errands for this very Tsunayashiro clan of mine, didn’t they? Well, at this stage it’s possible to say that they died in vain, but it’s good to know that at least they did their duty as sacrificial pawns.”

“…Such gracious words, I humbly receive them.”

Completely suppressing her innermost thoughts, Soifon gives a mechanical response.

Seeing her like that, Tokinada contorts his lips even further and sets fire to the chemical agent which serves as an explosive to her.

“Didn’t I just tell you that the superficial respect is unnecessary? What you truly pay respect to, is the Shihōin clan alone. In particular, towards that absconder Yoruichi who isn’t even clan head anymore, isn’t that right?”


Soifon’s facial expression is deadpan.

However, Tokinada who had perceived a slight tremor in her Reiatsu, tosses words in a form that poured salt into the wound.

“Ah, I see, that’s right! If rather I take Yoruichi as my wife, then I wonder if by extension you could give me genuine respect as a member of her family? We are fellow aristocrats of the four great noble clans, don’t you think we’d make an appropriate match? I who had inadvertently ended up slaying my own wife, and she who was coaxed by Urahara Kisuke into inadvertently betraying Soul Society. Indeed, how can one not help but think that this is a match made in heaven?”

With a sudden snap, the sound of something breaking resounded within her.

Soifon’s Reiatsu began to fluctuate, the members of the Punishment Force who were standing at her back prepared to restrain Soifon who remained as expressionless as before, and in that very moment —— a voice belonging to the subject of conversation herself, abruptly echoes across from within the passageway.

“Well I never, that you’d actually marry me only to spite Soifon, you really seem to think so little of me.”

“ ! ”

When Soifon turned to look over her shoulder with great vigour, standing there was the form of Shihōin Yoruichi clad in black garments.

“Yoruichi sama!”

“Oh my, you ended up hearing my shameful words.”

In response to Tokinada whose demeanour didn’t indicate the slightest bit of shame, Yoruichi makes an assertion.

“Even in the unlikely event that I am genuinely being proposed to, I can’t stand such formalities so let me tell you in advance. I might as well leave Soul Society once more and even escape to Hueco Mundo than remain married to you till death do us part.”

“Yoruichi sama…! This honeymoon you speak of… please allow me to accompany you in your escape…!”

At Soifon who spoke with a serious look on her face, Yoruichi narrows her eyes smilingly and breathes a sigh.

“Soifon, you… really have a few screws loose in your head when it involves me.”

“*gasp!* Thank you!”

“You’re taking that as a compliment? I mean, it’s quite amazing that contrary to expectations, these guys from the Punishment Force are standing by on alert with a straight face even after watching you just now… or maybe it’s better to say they’ve trained themselves well.” (TN –‘well trained’ as in they’ve grown accustomed to Soifon being smitten with Yoruichi.)

“*gasp!* Thank you!”

Despite her astonishment at Soifon who now resembled a plaything that would repeat the same words, a complete reversal from her mechanical deadpan mask, Yoruichi addressed Tokinada a second time.

“Anyway, it appears that I’m also being targeted by assassins. That’s a frightening prospect so I thought I’d have Soifon protect me alongside you. Is that fine with you?”

At those words, Tokinada was silent for a brief moment, but before long he smiled bitterly as he exhaled a heavy sigh.

“Shihōin Yoruichi who doesn’t carry a Zanpakutō, being protected by 9th generation Fēng family who specialises in Taijutsu? I see, I see, it seems you’ve heard of my Zanpakutō’s abilities from Kyōraku. That blabbermouth.”

“How rude. I have a regular Zanpakutō. It’s just that in my case, I’m stronger when I battle using Taijutsu alone. It’s something of a daily routine pacifying my sword which is always sulky thanks to that.”

—— Soothed on a daily basis… by Yoruichi sama…?

Imagining that scenario, Soifon harboured an intense feeling of envy towards Yoruichi’s Zanpakutō, in spite of this, she decided against voicing said feelings aloud whilst maintaining vigilance towards Tokinada.

Aside from Soifon who operates with great dexterity as though she was perhaps dividing her frame of mind into two separate parts, all members of the Punishment Force stabilise their Reiatsu like the surface of a calm body of water in order to safeguard the Tsunayashiro nobleman.

After giving it some further consideration, Tokinada accepted the other party’s request whilst flashing a smile that was particularly sordid.

“Very well. If that’s the case then I shall leave it you lot to be my guard. I myself have been feeling quite uneasy too after all.”

“Uneasy you say?”

“That’s right, recently there has been a spate of attacks made on my person by these assassins. My bodyguard Hikone is also not by my side at present. On the days I step outside in the absence of a defense mechanism like this I——”

In the next instant, the sound of an explosion traversed through the space, a huge cavity opens up on the ceiling.

“ !? ”

What emerged from there was a group of men and women whose faces were wrapped in cloth, skin completely concealed.

Without looking left nor right, they rushed towards the spot Tokinada was standing in, each grasped a Zanpakutō in hand, readied in its Shikai state.

—— Assassins!? It can’t be, they’re real!?

—— No, are they Tsunayashiro subordinates!?

Despite being unable to discern which interpretation was correct, either way, they had no choice right now but to keep a watchful eye on Tokinada whilst guarding him.

Soifon who had come to that impromptu decision immediately regains her usual visage, she issued a bare minimum of instructions to the lineup among the Punishment Force who were under her command.

“Battle formation, engage the enemy!”

“Good heavens, how frightening. Assassins can be awfully scary. In that case, I suppose I too have little choice but to cross the barrier of social status and do battle by joining hands with you a lesser noble.”

As if mocking Soifon, Tokinada grins and at the same time he extends a hand towards the Zanpakutō at his waist.

“Revere  —— 'Kuten-kyōkoku’.”

And thus, close to the very heart of Seireitei, the curtain rises on a tragedy brought about by the hands of the nobles.
As if to indicate that it was a prelude to further conflict which is yet to occur.
