#you are allowed to rest



I see a lot of ‘you should be writing’ and 'you should be making art.’ And part of that is true but also…

…if you arent, that’s not a failure. Maybe you’re struggling to find free time outside your job. Maybe you’re raising a child. Maybe you’re traveling, maybe you dont have a place to create the art you want. Maybe you’re not inspired, maybe you’re too tired, maybe just just dont want to.

Maybe there isnt a reason for you not creating the art you want. It’s no ones business why you’ve stopped doing your thing.

That doesnt mean you quit. It doesnt make you a failure. You didnt 'used to be’ something because you lost your momentum.

A fallow field does not cease to produce wheat just because the soil is tilled. It is still a wheat field, and it’s time to grow isnt so far away. These times seem endless and dark, but sometimes they are necessary.

You are allowed to rest.

It’s also beneficial to rotate crops.

Spend some time doing/creating something different. Learn a new skill. Pick up a new hobby. It’ll replenish your creativity in a way that simply taking a break won’t.

And don’t be afraid to just putter around. Dabble. Experiment. Explore. There is no benchmark or measure of success you need to worry about. The only thing that matters is that you enjoy yourself
