#you are right and you should say it



holy shit anders, gale, and caleb are the bi cat-loving wizard holy trinity


Hmm unpopular opinion maybe but just not agreeing with the Council 100% of the time doesn’t make you a maverick. Jedi aren’t a dictatorship and they aren’t actually expected to blindly follow their leaders without question; in fact, they are taught from childhood that they should always think for themselves and not go with whatever someone else says. That was, like, half the point of the Ilum arc.



I think predictable is fine. It’s fun even. I love predicting things in a series and finding out I’m right. It’s like the writers and I get to high-five one another because they set up a sensible plot and I put the pieces together.

It’s like that George RR Martin quote (ironically) about if you set it up so that the butler did it, and people figure out that the butler did it, you did a good job, and it wouldn’t make sense to change it to the maid at the last minute just because someone guessed correctly with the butler… Predictable doesn’t have to mean boring.

#i hate what cinemasins has done to media consumption

@xadnem don’t hide this in the tags


I am once again begging you to consider RJ’s “weird binary magic system” is just a reversal of Original Sin
